Monday, April 24, 2017

my neighbor Adrian Joykeeper page 2

my neighbor Adrian Joykeeper page 2 by ric Gustafson

Agnes put down her pen. She was not happy.  This bible study lesson was taking her hours. She was not joyful and felt spiritually dried up.
The doorbell rang. She walked over and looked through the peephole. " Oh great" she snarled. It was her neighbor Adrian. She opened the door.
Her neighbor walked in.
" Hi Agnes". She held up two tickets. " Want to go see a movie?".
" I can't". She frowned. " I need to finish my weekly bible study".
She waved the tickets in Agnes's face. " I have good seats".
She pointed at the mess on her table. " I need to finish this by Tuesday".
Adrian smiled. " I can tell you how to have joy".
Agnes put down her pen. " How do I do that?".
Adrian sat down. " First, you need to be free in Jesus Christ". She pointed at Agnes's bible. " You need to believe God's Word".
Agnes grinned. " Anything else?".
" You need to obey whatever Jesus puts into your heart".
" How do I do that?".
Adrian smiled. " Simple, grace".

research help: ' Seven things that steal your joy' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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