Thursday, April 13, 2017

Jesus's last words: My God My God why have you forsaken me?

Jesus's last words: My God My God why have you forsaken me? by ric Gustafson

These last words from Jesus on the cross were recorded in the Gospel of Matthew and Mark. These words reflect the darkness of what Jesus was going through but also the darkness at the foot of the cross. There were people at the foot of Jesus's cross humiliating him. People were trying to crush his spirit. They were trying to silence him and see him dead. Religious leaders and people passing by were throwing insults at him.
It was not Jesus on trial but humanity. At the moment that Jesus said those words, he felt abandoned and forsaken by his Father. At times in our lives, sometimes we feel as if God has abandoned us. Jesus teaches us to suffer and sacrifice for others. Jesus at the time of feeling abandoned prayed and worshiped for us. The truth is that God will never abandon us or leave us. He is always with us, loving us and protecting us always. That is the truth.

research help: ' Final Words' by Adam Hamilton

Happy Maundy Thursday. Love Ric

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