Monday, April 10, 2017

Jesus's last words: Today you will be with me in paradise

Jesus's last words: Today you will be with me in paradise by ric Gustafson

In life and death, Jesus associated with sinners. This troubled the religious leaders. The Pharisees and the scribes grumbled about Jesus welcoming sinners and eating with them. He asked tax collectors and sinners to be his disciples. He touched lepers and other unclean people. He did this throughout his ministry. When Jesus was around nonreligious people, they felt important. According to Luke 19: 10, The Son of Man came to seek out and to save the lost.
Jesus did not die alone. His final conversation was with a criminal and thug. The response of both criminals tells us how people will react to Jesus. Some people will say Yes Jesus save me. And some people will reject Jesus and tell him to go away. Jesus told the criminal that today he will be with him. He also told the man that he would be with him. He also promised the man that he would be in paradise with him. Praise God that us as God's followers will be with him in paradise. Praise Jesus.

research help: ' Final Words from the Cross' by Adam Hamilton

Happy Holy Week. Love Ric

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