Saturday, April 22, 2017

my neighbor Adrian Joykeeper page 1

my neighbor Adrian Joykeeper page 1 by ric Gustafson

Agnes Joystealer heard the doorbell ring. She put down the bible study workbook she was working on. She was fervently getting ready for her weekly bible study group. She was in charge and gave it all of her time and energy.
She yawned as she glanced through the door peephole. ' Why God' she thought as she noticed that it was her neighbor. ' ' Why can't my bible study group grow in numbers?'.
She opened the door. " Hello Adrian".
In walked an elegant dressed elderly woman. " Good afternoon Agnes". She smiled. " Would you like to go with me on a long walk?".
" I'm sorry Adrian". She pointed at the pile of bible study material on her kitchen table. " I'm really busy getting ready for my bible study group".
" My dear". She shook her head. " Don't be led by works of the flesh".
" What do you mean?".
" My dear". She grinned. " Seek God's way and be led by the Holy Spirit".
She quickly walked out of the apartment. " I'll come back tomorrow".
The door closed.
Agnes stared at the pile on her table.

research help: ' Seven things that steal your joy' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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