Wednesday, April 5, 2017

the miracle on Titanic page 33

the miracle on Titanic page 33 by ric Gustafson

Sun April 14 1912  2:00 pm

Charlene and David were walking along the chilly deck.
Bruce Ismay walked up. " Good afternoon you two". He tipped his bowler hat. " We seem to be making good time".
Charlene buttoned the blue coat she was wearing. " It feels really cold out here".
" We are in icy waters". He buttoned his own coat. " Captain Smith has already given me some ice warnings". He showed them one of the warnings.
David looked at it. " It says that we will be among some icebergs".
Ismay smiled. " We are going to keep a special watch for those".
Later that afternoon.
Second Officer Lightoller stepped onto the bridge. He knew that his watch was going to last until 10:00. The only other officer on the bridge was Sixth Officer James Moody.
" Moody, do you know when we will reach 42' North to 49' to 51' degrees West?".
The young officer walked over and glanced at some charts. " I believe around 11 Sir".
The navigational lights were turned on.
" Moody, could you please close the blinds?".
Later at 7:20 pm
A signal came over the wire. Harold Bride jumped in his chair. He put on the headphones. He quickly wrote down the message. He quickly walked up to the bridge. He handed the message to Officer Lightoller. " Sir". His voice hesitated. " A report from the Californian".
The Officer looked at the warning.
" It reports large icebergs ahead of us latitude 42' 3' North longitude 49' 9' West".
" Thank you Mr Bride". He handed the warning to the young officer. " Mr Moody, could you please go and hand this warning to Captain Smith". He left.
" Mr Bride, if you receive any more ice warnings". His voice hesitated. " Please give them to me immediately".
" Aye Sir".

research help: ' Murder on the Titanic' by Jim Walker

Happy Lent. Love Ric

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