Sunday, April 2, 2017

Matthew page 4

Matthew page 4 by ric Gustafson

Levi became good at his work. Because of that, he became the youngest tax collector in Capernaum. His parents did not approve of his life's work. His fellow tax collectors did not care for him either.
One day, he traveled to Bethany. He wanted to track down his old friend Efah.
Efah was surprised to see him. " Levi, what do you want?".
He smiled. " I am proposing that you and I join forces and collect taxes where the trade routes intersect".
" Why would I want to do that?".
" Because my dear friend Efah". His voice hesitated. " From collecting taxes in every direction we will both become very rich".
Efah grinned. " Ok Levi".
For the next twenty three years, Levi worked hard as a tax collector in Judea. He was aggressive in his tactics. Because of that, Levi became a very wealthy man.

research help: ' Matthew's Story' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Happy Lent. Love Ric

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