Monday, October 12, 2015

Wisdom from the Bible: Siblings

Wisdom from the Bible: Siblings by ric Gustafson

In God's Word, the role of siblings is very important. There are many bible stories about sibling relationships. One example is Cain and Abel. Abel kept flocks and Cain worked the soil. Cain brought an offering to God of fruits of the soil. Abel brought an offering of portions of the firstborn of his flock. While in a field, Cain killed his brother. Their story is in the book of Genesis.
Then there is the story of brothers Jacob and Esau. Younger brother Jacob tried to trick their aging father Isaac into giving him the blessing reserved for eldest sons. Fearing the wrath of his brother Esau, Jacob went to live with relatives in a distant land. Later, both brothers met each other with love and mercy. Esau extended mercy to his brother.
Sisters Mary and Martha had different temperaments, strengths and weaknesses. One day, Jesus came to visit. Martha was preoccupied with hospitality. On the other hand, Mary sat at Jesus's feet listening to his every word.
The Bible showed that siblings have differences and that there are opportunities to grow. There are lessons to be learned in areas where they differ. Blind spots can be identified and perspectives broadened.
Praise God for the wisdom from his Word.

research help: ' Everyday Wisdom from the Bible' by Engaged Media

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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