Friday, October 2, 2015

the end of days: the plague of darkness page 3

the end of days: the plague of darkness page 3 by ric Gustafson

Carlo Simpato, Rory and several One World leaders walked into the conference room and sat down.
" Thank you Mr Simpato for a very inspiring rally" the leader of the African States exclaimed.
The other leaders shook their heads in approval.
" I thought the rally was a success" Carlo replied as he put a large map on the chalkboard. " But what I want to tell you next is even more important". He took a pointer and pointed at the map. " Here is a map of Israel". His voice hesitated. " And here is the plain of Megiddo also known as the plain of Jezreel". He grinned. " Here I will defeat the so called Messiah who has been sending these plagues to scare us".
The leader of the Asian Countries looked confused. " What do you mean?".
" Thanks to the financial backing of the One World financial network". He smiled at Rory. " I plan to assemble the largest army ever mustered, the largest arsenal of weapons and all the firepower I can put together".
The leader of the European Countries stared at Carlo. " Why do you want to do this?".
Carlo grinned at the leaders. " For thousands of years, I have been waiting for my chance to destroy their God and his Son once and for all". He grinned from ear to ear. " Then I will destroy Jerusalem and become master of the universe". He stared at the leaders. " Do I have everyone's approval?".
Rory and all the leaders shook their heads in approval.

research help: original story and ' Armageddon' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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