Friday, October 2, 2015

the other place: Demons will be there

the other place: Demons will be there by ric Gustafson

According to Revelation 12, when Satan launched his rebellion against God one third of the angels in heaven joined him. God threw them out of heaven and forced them to dwell as spirits between heaven and hell. These rebellious angels are now demons.
The attention of demons are now concentrated on God's human creation. Their goal is to thwart God's plan for humanity and disrupt his work in the world. The power of demons is limited. In God's might, they are helpless.
The tools of demons are temptation, doubt, egotism, fear, pride, greed and jealousy. They will use anything to interfere in our relationship with God.

research help: ' The Truth about Heaven' by Time Home Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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