Tuesday, October 20, 2015

the end of days: the return of the Son of Man page 4

the end of days: the return of the Son of Man page 4 by ric Gustafson

" I am the living bread which came down from heaven" Jesus said as his white horse rode through the One World ranks. " I am the Word which became flesh". As he said these words, thousands of Carlo's best troops died on the spot.
Just then, Carlo appeared on his black horse. He pointed toward Jesus and his heavenly army. " This is our enemy". He thumped his chest. " Defeat him and victory is ours".
" This is the spirit of the Anti Christ who has prospered until now". As he said this, tens of thousands of Carlo's troops burst at their stomachs and died instantly.
Rory could not believe what he was seeing.
Carlo began to curse God. Millions of his soldiers were dying and millions of birds were starting to feast on their corpses.
" Rory, let's get out of here". Carlo turned his horse around and began to ride away. " My revenge will come".
A voice called out from heaven. " It is finished".
Ice balls began to fall from the sky and flatten every tank, truck and military vehicle that One World possessed.
Jesus turned his white horse and with his might army slowly made their way toward Jerusalem.
Carlo addressed his one million strong One World army. " My loyal army, we will defeat God's army in the Eternal City". He smiled at Rory. " Then the One World community will rule this world forever".

research help: original story and ' Glorious Appearing' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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