Thursday, October 8, 2015

the end of days: the return of the Son of Man page 2

the end of days: the return of the Son of Man page 2 by ric Gustafson

Rory held the reins of his black horse as he sat next to his master. Carlo's black horse was taller, heavier and not a speck of white on it.
Carlo turned his horse around to face his glorious army. " My fellow One World soldiers".
Rory handed him a silver sword with a huge handle.
Carlo pointed it skyward. " Our time is now and nothing will stop us".
Rory noticed that darkness had covered the land for two hours.
Carlo's horse slowly began moving with tanks, armored carriers and millions of soldiers following right behind. As they walked, Rory noticed a huge white cross illuminated on a side hill. As they passed, the cross disappeared.
As they walked on, the sky became pitch black. Only tank headlights could be seen.
Rory became scared because he could barely see ahead of himself.
All of a sudden, a bright light filled the sky.
Rory put his hands in front of his face.
Carlo knew where the light was coming from. " My dear One World soldiers, the time has come to defeat my enemy once and for all". He raised his sword. " Fire on my command".
Rory looked up and then shock entered his eyes. He saw that Heaven had opened and in plain view was a white horse. On top of that white horse was Jesus the Christ the Son of the living God.

research help: original story and ' Glorious Appearing' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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