Saturday, October 3, 2015

the other place/; unbelievers will be there

the other place: unbelievers will be there by ric Gustafson

Not everyone will accept God's gift of eternal life. Some people will exercise their free will and reject Jesus. Free will means we have a choice and every choice carries with it consequences. The consequence of rejecting Jesus is tragic.
Some people will be taken in by false teachers who promise entrance into heaven but do not deliver. Some people will rely on their good works to earn God's favor. They will be disappointed.
Believers use Hell as the motivation to try to get as many unbelievers to bring them to Jesus before they die.
My prayer is that every one who passes away believes in Jesus and will be saved.
Praise God.

The End

research help: ' The Truth about Heaven' by Time Home Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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