Friday, October 30, 2015

stand up for Jesus: standing up in Galilee

stand up for Jesus: standing up in Galilee by ric Gustafson

Jesus was born in Galilee when it was under Roman rule. Herod the Great was king. When he found out about the birth of Jesus, he ordered the killing of male babies in a attempt to eradicate the newborn.
When Jesus's ministry began, his message was simple. To seek and save the lost, to give his life as a ransom, to lay down his life and to announce the kingdom of God. 
How did he accomplish that in that kind of hostile environment. First, he depended on his Father for what he should do and say. He lived subservient to his Father. He stayed on course through prayer, communion with his Father, witnessing and meditation on Old Testament prophecy he was fulfilling.
Jesus was compassionate with people around him. He stayed connected and loved everyone. Jesus was committed even though he knew what was coming. Jesus was calm. Jesus was clear on what he was teaching to the people and his disciples.
Jesus came to this world to change it for the better. And he did. Like Jesus, he wants us to stand firm because we are his messengers.

research help: Turning Points November 2015

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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