Wednesday, October 21, 2015

the end of days: the return of the Son of Man page 5

the end of days: the return of the Son of Man page 5 by ric Gustafson

Carlo rode his horse through the Joffa Gate. He turned around to face his horse troops. " My dear One World soldiers". He grinned. " Now is the time to advance on the Western Wall of the Temple Mount". As they approached the Wall, Carlo raised his sword. " Attack". He started to gallop toward his target.
Just then, thousands of his horse troopers fell off their horses and their heads were crushed on the cobblestones. More troopers dissolved on their mounts and then their bodies melted into the saddles.
Carlo noticed Rory was on the ground. " Get up Rory". He raised his sword and cursed God.
Just then, the sky opened up and the Temple of God and the Ark of the Covenant floated down.
The earth moved and a huge fissure opened. All of Carlo's remaining soldiers fell into the huge hole.
Carlo could see that the only thing still standing was the Eternal City.
In defiance of God, Carlo and Rory raised their fists and cursed God and Jesus.
Jesus descended to the top of the Mount of Olives. " I am who I am".
At that moment, the Mount of Olives split into a valley.
The town of Jerusalem rose three hundred feet above the ground.

research help: original story and ' Glorious Appearing' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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