Thursday, October 29, 2015

stand up for Jesus: standing up in Egypt

stand up for Jesus: standing up in Egypt by ric Gustafson

Here is a story of a young man who amid great obstacles and troubles stood up for Jesus. His name was Joseph.
In Genesis 37, we read that he was a handsome young man with loving parents and older brothers. He shared his dreams with his family. Resentment from his brothers grew. One day, they seized him, stripped him and threw him into a pit. They were going to kill him but decided to sell him into slavery instead.
He was taken to Egypt and sold to one of Pharaoh's officials named Potiphar. Joseph did not know it but God was putting these obstacles in Joseph's life for a reason.
Because of an incident with Potiphar's wife, Joseph ended up in prison from age 17 until he was 30. During that time, God was preparing him for a specific purpose. One day because of troubling dreams, Pharaoh asked for Joseph. Joseph interpreted his dreams and Pharaoh rewarded him by placing him in charge of his palace. Joseph knew a great famine was coming so he stored up grain and made provisions. He kept Egypt alive.
One day, Joseph's father and brothers came before him because they were hungry. Joseph revealed himself to his father and brothers. Joseph stood up for Jesus by forgiving his brothers. Joseph stood up for God and Jesus and kept the faith under enormous odds.
No matter the situation or odds against us, let us boldly stand up for Jesus.

research help: Turning Points November 2015

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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