Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Friday April 14 1865 page 1

Friday April 14 1865 page 1 by ric Gustafson

President Abraham Lincoln woke up at 7:00 am. It was a beautiful sunny day. Lincoln rose from his bed and put on a pair of battered slippers. He put on a weathered robe and walked downstairs to his library. His favorite chair was in the center of the room. He sat down and opened his bible. He enjoyed starting his day by reading Scripture.
Then he walked down the hall to his office. His desk was mahogany. Through a nearby window, he could see the Potomac River. He was anxious for breakfast because his son Robert was back from the war. Of course, Mary and twelve year old Tad would be there.
Lincoln was anxious to see his older son. Robert was twenty one with a thin mustache and was a Captain in the Union army. As Lincoln ate his usual breakfast of coffee and a single boiled egg, Robert told him about Lee and Grant. By nine am, Lincoln was at his desk his workday just started.
A mile down Pennsylvania Avenue, John Wilkes Booth was also starting his day.

research help: ' Lincoln's Last Days' by Bill O'Reilly and Dwight Zimmerman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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