Monday, October 12, 2015

Halloween pizza at the Temptation Pizza Parlor page 2

Halloween pizza at the Temptation Pizza Parlor page 2 by ric Gustafson

Eddie opened the brown wooden door and immediately noticed the décor. It contained beautiful fans, plenty of booths and old celebrity pictures on the walls.
A young woman walked up to him. " How many in your party?".
" Just myself".
" That might be difficult". She glanced around the crowded room. " We are really busy right now".
Eddie turned to walk out. " That's ok".
" Wait a minute". She turned and walked away.
Eddie glanced around the room.
" I have a table for three and the other two are not here yet". She shook her head. " Right now it is all I have".
Eddie's stomach grumbled again. " I'll take it".
She picked up three menus. She led him to a quiet booth in a far corner. There was a vase of red and white flowers in the middle of the table.
Eddie began to study the menu.
" Good evening".
He looked up to see a man who was wearing a black cape and black pants.
The man sat down, reached across the table and shook Eddie's hand. " I'm Merle O'Brien".
" I'm Eddie Chapman".
" I'm one of your table mates for dinner".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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