Saturday, October 31, 2015

Sergius Paulus and Elymas page 2

Sergius Paulus and Elymas page 2 by ric Gustafson

Sergius Paulus was enjoying his breakfast for a change and was in a pretty good mood. Because he was the Roman proconsul for the entire island, his breakfast and all of his meals were usually interrupted.  He was still eating when an aide walked in.
" Your court advisor Elymas is here".
" Show him in".
His court advisor walked in and sat down across the table from him. He had a stern look on his face.
" What's wrong Elymas?".
" I've been hearing disturbing news about you".
He yawned because of boredom. " What news is that?".
" I heard you were interested in meeting with those three Jewish evangelists who have come to the island".
" That is true". His voice hesitated. " I do".
" Why?".
" First of all, I am the proconsul and do not want any trouble on my island" he said in a quiet voice. " I also want to know what these three men are preaching to the people".
Elymas raised his voice. " Have nothing to do with these men".
" For what reasons?".
" These men are preaching lies". He pounded the table with a fist. " I advise you to stay away from them".
" As proconsul, I want to talk to them".
" As you wish". He got up and walked toward the door. " Just remember my warning".
Sergius sighed as his court advisor walked out.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

stand up for Jesus: standing in 2015

stand up for Jesus: standing in 2015 by ric Gustafson

The fact is that it is hard to stand up for Jesus in this day and age. There are spiritual, social and political issues which need to be addressed. Inside we ponder different questions. Are we winning the spiritual battle?. Does our behavior represent Jesus?. The world today is asking those same questions about Christians.
So what can we do?. Inspiring our generation and generations to come must be done by teaching the Word of God. We need to tell others that Jesus is the answer. We need to tell others that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. We need to stress that God's Word will not fail. We need to tell others that Joseph, Daniel and Jesus stood firm and stood up.
I pray as Jesus's followers that we will stand up for Jesus in 2015 and beyond. I pray that no matter what obstacles come in our way that we can smile knowing that God will always love us and will always protect us.

The End

research help: Turning Points November 2015

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, October 30, 2015

stand up for Jesus: standing up in Galilee

stand up for Jesus: standing up in Galilee by ric Gustafson

Jesus was born in Galilee when it was under Roman rule. Herod the Great was king. When he found out about the birth of Jesus, he ordered the killing of male babies in a attempt to eradicate the newborn.
When Jesus's ministry began, his message was simple. To seek and save the lost, to give his life as a ransom, to lay down his life and to announce the kingdom of God. 
How did he accomplish that in that kind of hostile environment. First, he depended on his Father for what he should do and say. He lived subservient to his Father. He stayed on course through prayer, communion with his Father, witnessing and meditation on Old Testament prophecy he was fulfilling.
Jesus was compassionate with people around him. He stayed connected and loved everyone. Jesus was committed even though he knew what was coming. Jesus was calm. Jesus was clear on what he was teaching to the people and his disciples.
Jesus came to this world to change it for the better. And he did. Like Jesus, he wants us to stand firm because we are his messengers.

research help: Turning Points November 2015

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Friday April 14 1865 page 8

Friday April 14 1865 page 8 by ric Gustafson

John Wilkes Booth quietly guided his horse into the alley behind Ford's Theatre. The night was quiet and he could hear laughter coming from inside. He dismounts and then whistles for the stagehand. Ned Spangler comes out distressed because he doesn't want to miss a stage cue. With him is Joseph Burroughs a young stage hand who goes by the nickname of ' Peanut John'. Booth wants somebody to secure his horse until he comes back. Spangler tells Booth that he will have Peanut John do it. The young man sits down on a stone step holding the reins.
Booth walks into the backstage area of the theatre. It is dark and he can hear the actors doing their jobs and saying their lines. As he removes his gloves, he looks around at the layout of the theatre. Booth knows that a tunnel is under the stage crossing from one side to the other. Booth walks through the tunnel to the other side of the stage. From there, he exits the theatre through another backstage door. This door enters an alley that goes down to Tenth Street. Booth enters Taltavul's Star Saloon for a whiskey. Nearby, Lincoln's bodyguard is sipping from a tankard of ale.
A little later, Booth lowers his glass and walks back to Ford's Theatre.
It is now 10:00 pm.

research help: ' Lincoln's Last Days' by Bill O'Reilly and Dwight Zimmerman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

stand up for Jesus: standing up in Egypt

stand up for Jesus: standing up in Egypt by ric Gustafson

Here is a story of a young man who amid great obstacles and troubles stood up for Jesus. His name was Joseph.
In Genesis 37, we read that he was a handsome young man with loving parents and older brothers. He shared his dreams with his family. Resentment from his brothers grew. One day, they seized him, stripped him and threw him into a pit. They were going to kill him but decided to sell him into slavery instead.
He was taken to Egypt and sold to one of Pharaoh's officials named Potiphar. Joseph did not know it but God was putting these obstacles in Joseph's life for a reason.
Because of an incident with Potiphar's wife, Joseph ended up in prison from age 17 until he was 30. During that time, God was preparing him for a specific purpose. One day because of troubling dreams, Pharaoh asked for Joseph. Joseph interpreted his dreams and Pharaoh rewarded him by placing him in charge of his palace. Joseph knew a great famine was coming so he stored up grain and made provisions. He kept Egypt alive.
One day, Joseph's father and brothers came before him because they were hungry. Joseph revealed himself to his father and brothers. Joseph stood up for Jesus by forgiving his brothers. Joseph stood up for God and Jesus and kept the faith under enormous odds.
No matter the situation or odds against us, let us boldly stand up for Jesus.

research help: Turning Points November 2015

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

it is your destiny page 3

it is your destiny page 3 by ric Gustafson

Did you know that your destiny actually started in eternity. According to II Timothy 1:9, we were saved and he called us before the world began. Eternity is not bound by time. Eternity does not have minutes, hours or days. Ephesians 1:3-12 says that we were chosen before the foundation of the world. God chose us to be part of his eternal purpose before the foundation of the world. Since God can see from beginning to the end, he knew us before he made us. Because he made us, he knows our sins and faults.
We are God's masterful design and part of an eternal plan for the ages. God shaped our likes, dislikes, our gifts and abilities. There is a reason why we are here.

research help: ' Discover Your Destiny' by Cary Schmidt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday April 14 1865 page 7

Friday April 14 1865 page 7 by ric Gustafson

It was now 8:05 pm. Mary Lincoln was waiting for her husband who was talking to Speaker of the House Schuyler Colfax. The play had already started and they had not left yet. They walk downstairs and out onto the front porch. The presidential carriage was waiting for them. Assistant Charles Forbes helps Mary up the steps into the carriage. The President gets in. The carriage picks up their guests at H and Fifteenth Streets. The carriage travels seven blocks to Ford's Theatre.
It is now 8:25 and Lincoln steps through the front door of the theatre. With bodyguard John Parker in tow, the Lincoln's climb the stairs to their box. After the Lincoln's and their guests sit down, the orchestra play ' Hail to the Chief'. Audience members stand up and cheer. Lincoln quickly stands up and takes a bow.
John Parker's job was to sit in front of the only door going into the President's box. For unknown reasons, he left his post and along with Charles Forbes went to a saloon across the street.
As Lincoln watched the play, nobody was guarding him.

research help: ' Lincoln's Last Days' by Bill O'Reilly and Dwight Zimmerman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

stand up for Jesus: standing up in Babylon

stand up for Jesus: standing up in Babylon by ric Gustafson

Daniel's story in the book of Daniel helps us to learn how we can live boldly and stand up for Jesus. Standing up in Babylon was not easy. It took enormous courage, conviction, faith, endurance and prayer.
The first thing to stand up for Jesus today is to be faithful. We need to honor God and his Word every day. Second, we need to be vigilant. We need to daily pray for God's intervention and guidance that are beyond our control. Third, we need to be steadfast. We need to trust God and his unwavering faith. God is in control and will deliver us to victory. Fourth, we need to be strong. We need to ask God for strength and demonstrate his love, grace and compassion daily. Fifth, we need to be gracious. We need to show restrain and respect authority. Lastly, we need to be consistent. Daniel was consistent and we need to be also.

research help: Turning Points November 2015

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

it is your destiny page 2

it is your destiny page 2 by ric Gustafson

Welcome to life. Everyone who has ever lived has one destiny designed by God and only one life to discover it. You can't start over and one chance is all you get. That is God's rules and that is real life. You go through life once and then you stand before him and give an account. You cannot cheat and you cannot see the future. You cannot blame anyone for mistakes or failures.
God gives us full access to himself but only by faith. We cannot see or hear him. We are given his Word and his promises. We are subject to his laws and given free will.
In the end, we will face eternity. We will face God and we will live somewhere forever. We are not sure when the journey ends but we will know when we are face to face with Jesus.

research help: ' Discover Your Destiny' by Cary Schmidt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, October 26, 2015

Friday April 14 1865 page 6

Friday April 14 1865 page 6 by ric Gustafson

It was now 8:00 pm and four people were meeting in room six at the Herndon House Hotel. David Herold, Lewis Powell, George Atzerodt along with Booth were going over their plan. Booth informed them that he was going to kill Lincoln at 10:15 pm. Lewis Powell and David Herold were assigned to kill Secretary of State Seward. When that was completed, they were to escape via the Navy Yard Bridge and then join the others in the Maryland countryside. It was Atzerodt's assignment to kill Vice President Andrew Johnson.
Booth enjoys dinner at 8:30 pm. The play starts at eight and his plan will occur shortly after 10. Booth's cue to shoot Lincoln is a line said by actor Harry Hawk in the third act. After killing Lincoln, Booth was going to do one small thing of acting. When he jumps to the stage from Lincoln's box his plan was to shout out the Latin phrase ' sic semper tyrannis' which refers to tyrants.

research help: ' Lincoln's Last Days' by Bill O'Reilly and Dwight Zimmerman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, October 24, 2015

it is your destiny page 1

it is your destiny page 1 by ric Gustafson

Do you know where you are going to spend eternity?. I John 5:13 says these things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God that ye may know that ye have eternal life.
The truth is God wants you to know where you are going. So how do I know?.
First, you must understand your need for a personal Savior. There is a big problem in our lives called sin. Romans 3:23 says that for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. The price for sin is eternal death away from God. The good news is that Jesus Christ died for us.
Second, you must believe that Jesus wants to be your Savior. Jesus died on the cross because he loves us. On that cross he paid for all of our sins. Because of what he did for us, our sins can be forgiven and God will give us eternal life.
Third, we must place our full trust in Jesus as our personal Savior. Romans 10:13 says that for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. You need to tell Jesus that he is God, that he died for my sins and that he rose again from the dead. You need to tell Jesus that you are a sinner and that you want Jesus to enter your heart and be your personal Savior. You need to tell Jesus that you place full trust in him and that you accept his gift of eternal life.

research help: ' Discover Your Destiny' by Cary Schmidt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday April 14 1865 page 5

Friday April 14 1865 page 5 by ric Gustafson

William Crook was waiting for his replacement to relieve him. The twenty six year old policeman and bodyguard for President Lincoln had had a busy day. It was now 7:00 pm and the Lincoln's were eating dinner with their sons. Afterwards, he walked with the President back to the War Department. Lincoln wanted to find out if General Sherman had sent a telegram about General Johnston's surrender.
Crook was worried about the President's safety at the play tonight. The afternoon paper had announced that the President was attending the play this evening. General Grant turned down their invitation after reading the announcement in the paper. Mary convinced Major Henry Reed Rathbone and his fiancé Clara Harris to join them.
Crook's replacement John Parker finally arrived. The thirty four year old former machinist had served in the Union Army and became a policeman in September 1861. In 1864, he became a White House bodyguard.
Crook tells Parker that the presidential carriage will pick up Rathbone and Harris. Since the carriage would be full, Parker will have to walk to Ford's Theatre.
Crook leaves after telling Lincoln to have a good evening and enjoy the play.

research help: ' Lincoln's Last Days' by Bill O'Reilly and Dwight Zimmerman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, October 23, 2015

the Butterball Turkey fitness class

the Butterball Turkey fitness class by ric Gustafson

Anita Cobb nervously bit her fingernails as she waited by the front desk. She smiled as a young woman came in carrying a blue workout bag. She shook Anita's hand. " Hi, I'm Pamela Cross".
She opened the door leading to the stairs. " I'm Anita".
They reached the bottom stair.
" We're glad you are here to teach a class at the last minute".
" I'm not sure what the class is" Pamela said as they turned toward a room on the right. " But here I am".
They walked into the room.
Pamela did not see anyone there except for six loud gobbling turkeys. " Where's the fitness class?".
Anita pointed at the turkeys.
" They are turkeys!" Pamela exclaimed loudly. The turkeys gobble louder. " What's going on here?".
" Butterball has a mystery on their hands".
" What do you mean?".
" These turkeys did not get plump enough for Thanksgiving".
Pamela frowned. " You mean these are skinny turkeys".
" Keep your voice down". The turkeys gobbled louder. " They are very self conscious".
" Butterball doesn't know what happened".
" No" Anita replied in a soft voice. " Could be antibiotics, they are not sure".
Pamela picked up her bag to change. " Oh well, I guess no turkey for Thanksgiving".When she returned, Anita had an angry look on her face. " Thanks to your loud comment, all the turkeys ran out and escaped".
Pamela could not believe what she was hearing.
Anita frowned and shook her head. " Butterball is not going to be happy".
Pamela left the YMCA with a puzzled look on her face.

The End

research help: an article

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday April 14 1865 page 4

Friday April 14 1865 page 4 by ric Gustafson

John Wilkes Booth was on an emotional high. He began to think and plan all the things he had to do before tonight. It was now two in the afternoon and he was dressed in dashing fashion. He was wearing black pants, a black coat and a black hat.
His first stop this afternoon was Mary Surratt's boardinghouse. He caught her just as she was walking out the door. He hands her a spyglass and asks her to keep it for him until later that evening. From there he walked up five blocks to Herndon House. There he discussed his plan with Lewis Powell. Powell's job that evening was to get into the home of Secretary of State Seward and to kill him. Then Booth went to Pumphrey's stable to arrange for a getaway horse. He arranges for a compact bay mare with a white star on her forehead.
Booth rides up Sixth Street to Pennsylvania Avenue. He has a lot more planning to do.

research help: ' Lincoln's Last Days' by Bill O'Reilly and Dwight Zimmerman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, October 22, 2015

the end of days: the return of the Son of Man page 6

the end of days: the return of the Son of Man page 6 by ric Gustafson

A crowd one hundred deep surrounded Jesus. He got off his white horse and stood among them. All of a sudden, five men stood next to Jesus. They were Caleb, Nahum and the angels Christopher, Gabriel and Michael.
Gabriel spoke up. " The Lord is faithful who will guard you from the evil one".
Michael walked forward with a defeated Carlo Simpato.
Rory Johnston followed behind.
Both men knelt in front of Jesus.
Gabriel spoke again. " As a fulfillment of prophecy, you kneel in front of Jesus the Christ the Son of the Living God".
Carlo and Rory now trembled with fear. " We believe".
Jesus now spoke. " I do not take pleasure in the death of the wicked".
Carlo and Rory yelled in desperation. " We believe and serve you".
" Rather than resist the evil one, you decided to serve him instead".
Both men began to scream. " We are sorry Lord".
Tears began to form in Jesus's eyes. " You rejected me and my Father's plan".
Carlo and Rory screamed in fear. " We're sorry, please forgive us".
" You are sentenced to eternity in the lake of fire".
Both men yelled in fear. " No!".
" Be quiet!" exclaimed Gabriel.
Jesus now talked in a quiet and sad voice. " The two of you followed the False Prophet and led billions away from me". He now stood up and looked sternly at Carlo and Rory. " The two of you are to be cast into the lake of fire".
A hole opened in the ground. A putrid odor and a blue flame rose up. The angel Michael took hold of Rory who was now kicking and screaming. He threw him into the hole. Carlo, without saying a word, was brought up. He dropped into the hole.
The hole closed just as quickly as it had opened.

The End

research help: original story and ' Glorious Appearing' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday April 14 1865 page 3

Friday April 14 1865 page 3 by ric Gustafson

John Wilkes Booth was in the theatre's office working on a bundle of letters.
Just then, stage carpenter James J Gifford came in with some exciting news.
Booth listens as he is told that the Lincoln's were attending the play that evening. He grins as Gifford walks away. He knew that tonight had to be the night and that this theatre had to be the place.
As the cast and crew were preparing for the night's performance, Booth was looking for the best path to Lincoln's state box. He also looked around for the perfect escape route from the theatre.
As Booth was doing this, the cast and crew thought nothing of it. They knew that Booth had eccentricities and that he was just acting normal.
It was now 11:00 am and General Grant was walking to the White House for a cabinet meeting. He had just received an invitation to attend a play at Ford's Theatre with the Lincoln's. The meeting was in the office of Secretary of State William Seward who was recovering from a carriage accident. At the meeting, his son Frederick was representing him. Lincoln guided the meeting with no notes as was his habit. Lincoln was interested in Grant's details of the Appomattox surrender. Then a messenger arrives with a message for Grant. He is to get his wife and catch a train at 6:00 pm for Burlington New Jersey. He tells the President that he cannot attend the theatre this evening.
It was now 1:30 pm.

research help: ' Lincoln's Last Days' by Bill O'Reilly and Dwight Zimmerman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

the end of days: the return of the Son of Man page 5

the end of days: the return of the Son of Man page 5 by ric Gustafson

Carlo rode his horse through the Joffa Gate. He turned around to face his horse troops. " My dear One World soldiers". He grinned. " Now is the time to advance on the Western Wall of the Temple Mount". As they approached the Wall, Carlo raised his sword. " Attack". He started to gallop toward his target.
Just then, thousands of his horse troopers fell off their horses and their heads were crushed on the cobblestones. More troopers dissolved on their mounts and then their bodies melted into the saddles.
Carlo noticed Rory was on the ground. " Get up Rory". He raised his sword and cursed God.
Just then, the sky opened up and the Temple of God and the Ark of the Covenant floated down.
The earth moved and a huge fissure opened. All of Carlo's remaining soldiers fell into the huge hole.
Carlo could see that the only thing still standing was the Eternal City.
In defiance of God, Carlo and Rory raised their fists and cursed God and Jesus.
Jesus descended to the top of the Mount of Olives. " I am who I am".
At that moment, the Mount of Olives split into a valley.
The town of Jerusalem rose three hundred feet above the ground.

research help: original story and ' Glorious Appearing' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday April 14 1865 page 2

Friday April 14 1865 page 2 by ric Gustafson

Mary Lincoln knew which play was showing at Ford's Theatre. It was ' Our American Cousin' and it starred Laura Keene. Mary did not want to miss it. At breakfast, she told her husband that she wanted to see the performance that evening. Lincoln told a messenger to tell the theatre that he would attending that evening and to get the state box ready. He told them that General Grant and his wife would be joining them. He looked at his watch and knew that he was overdue at the War Department.
Lincoln enters Secretary of War Stanton's office and tells him that he is attending the play that evening.
At the same time that Lincoln's messenger is handing a note to James Ford, John Wilkes Booth has entered the theatre to pick up his mail.

research help: ' Lincoln's Last Days' by Bill O'Reilly and Dwight Zimmerman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

the end of days: the return of the Son of Man page 4

the end of days: the return of the Son of Man page 4 by ric Gustafson

" I am the living bread which came down from heaven" Jesus said as his white horse rode through the One World ranks. " I am the Word which became flesh". As he said these words, thousands of Carlo's best troops died on the spot.
Just then, Carlo appeared on his black horse. He pointed toward Jesus and his heavenly army. " This is our enemy". He thumped his chest. " Defeat him and victory is ours".
" This is the spirit of the Anti Christ who has prospered until now". As he said this, tens of thousands of Carlo's troops burst at their stomachs and died instantly.
Rory could not believe what he was seeing.
Carlo began to curse God. Millions of his soldiers were dying and millions of birds were starting to feast on their corpses.
" Rory, let's get out of here". Carlo turned his horse around and began to ride away. " My revenge will come".
A voice called out from heaven. " It is finished".
Ice balls began to fall from the sky and flatten every tank, truck and military vehicle that One World possessed.
Jesus turned his white horse and with his might army slowly made their way toward Jerusalem.
Carlo addressed his one million strong One World army. " My loyal army, we will defeat God's army in the Eternal City". He smiled at Rory. " Then the One World community will rule this world forever".

research help: original story and ' Glorious Appearing' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday April 14 1865 page 1

Friday April 14 1865 page 1 by ric Gustafson

President Abraham Lincoln woke up at 7:00 am. It was a beautiful sunny day. Lincoln rose from his bed and put on a pair of battered slippers. He put on a weathered robe and walked downstairs to his library. His favorite chair was in the center of the room. He sat down and opened his bible. He enjoyed starting his day by reading Scripture.
Then he walked down the hall to his office. His desk was mahogany. Through a nearby window, he could see the Potomac River. He was anxious for breakfast because his son Robert was back from the war. Of course, Mary and twelve year old Tad would be there.
Lincoln was anxious to see his older son. Robert was twenty one with a thin mustache and was a Captain in the Union army. As Lincoln ate his usual breakfast of coffee and a single boiled egg, Robert told him about Lee and Grant. By nine am, Lincoln was at his desk his workday just started.
A mile down Pennsylvania Avenue, John Wilkes Booth was also starting his day.

research help: ' Lincoln's Last Days' by Bill O'Reilly and Dwight Zimmerman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, October 19, 2015


crumbs by ric Gustafson

Jesus and his followers were slowly walking up a dusty incline. He was tired after explaining a parable to some Pharisees and scribes. They were walking toward a quiet place where they could rest.
All of a sudden, Jesus noticed a Cananite woman standing by the edge of the road.
" Have mercy on me Lord".
They kept walking. Jesus did not answer her.
" Son of David" she yelled. " My daughter is cruelly demon possessed".
Peter looked at Jesus. " Lord, send her away because she keeps shouting at us".
Jesus stared at the woman. " I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel".
Crying, the woman ran up to Jesus and bowed down before him. " Lord, help me".
" It is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs".
The woman looked at Jesus. " Yes Lord, but even the dogs feed on the crumbs which fall from the Master's table".
Jesus smiled at her with loving eyes. " Oh woman you're faith is great". His voice paused. " It shall be done for you as you wish".
The woman's daughter was healed instantly.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Halloween Pizza at the Temptation Pizza Parlor page 7

Halloween Pizza at the Temptation Pizza Parlor page 7 by ric Gustafson

" This Halloween pizza is good" Merle exclaimed as he took a bite and then wiped off his mouth with a napkin. " The spicier the better".
Eddie took a bite. " This pizza is really good".
Sal stared at Eddie. " Eddie, you know that God doesn't want you to give in to temptation".
He took a sip of his Mountain Dew. " You mean eating this pizza and not having the money to pay for it".
" Go ahead and do it". Merle smirked as he took a bite of his pizza. " Nobody will notice or care if you leave and not pay".
Sal shook his head. " God's Word says that lying and stealing is a sin".
The waitress came over and put the check on the table.
Both men stared at Eddie.
" Eddie, it's time to decide".
He stared at both men and then thought for a moment. " Because I'm a Christian, I do not want to go against God's Word". His voice hesitated. " I will talk to the manager and explain my situation".
Sal smiled and then vanished.
Merle scowled and then vanished.
Eddie asked for the manager.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Halloween pizza at the Temptation Pizza Parlor page 6

Halloween Pizza at the Temptation Pizza Parlor page 6 by ric Gustafson

Merle sat back down.
Sal stood up and pushed his chair in. " I need a little fresh air before the pizza comes". He walked away.
" I can't believe what Sal just told me".
" What's that?".
" He just told me that he was an angel".
" He did". He gave a strange chuckle. " I used to be one".
" What do you mean that you used to be one?".
" My boss was beautiful and wise". He smiled. " In fact his name was Son of the Morning".
" What happened?".
" One day, he decided that he want to be worshiped just like God the Father". He frowned. " He was thrown out of heaven and a third of us angels followed him".
" What's your bosses name?".
" Lucifer".
" So you are a demon?".
" Yes". He gave an evil chuckle. " I am one of Lucifer's followers".
Eddie scratched his chin. " That explains why you and Sal don't get along".
Just then, Sal sat back down. " The pizza is here".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, October 16, 2015

Halloween Pizza at the Temptation Pizza Parlor page 5

Halloween Pizza at the Temptation Pizza Parlor page 5 by ric Gustafson

Sal sat down and handed Eddie a glass of Mountain Dew. " The pizza will be done shortly".
Merle stood up. " I'm going to get some bread sticks". He gave a strange chuckle. " I hope that Halloween pizza is spicy". He grinned. " The spicier the better". He walked away.
Eddie looked at Sal. " I get the feeling the two of you know each other well".
Sal gave a sad stare. " That's true, we have sat at this table many times".
" How did you know I liked Mountain Dew".
" Eddie, I know a lot about you". He put down the menu he was studying. " I also know that you don't have the money to pay for your pizza".
Eddie gave Sal a surprised look. " You already knew that".
" Of course". He took a sip of some water. " My boss has told me everything about you".
" You sound like an angel".
Sal smiled at Eddie. " Actually, I am an angel".
" Why are you eating with me tonight?".
" Eddie, I'm here to warn you that you are heading down a dangerous path".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Halloween pizza at the Temptation Pizza Parlor page 4

Halloween pizza at the Temptation Pizza Parlor page 4 by ric Gustafson

With a fearful look, Eddie glanced around the now crowded restaurant. " I shouldn't even be here".
Merle looked up from his menu. " Why not?".
He stared at the stranger in black. " I don't have any money for my pizza".
" Really". He put the menu on the table. " So what's the problem?".
" I don't have any money and I feel guilty about it".
" Why feel guilty about it" he replied with a strange grin. " Enjoy the pizza and then quietly walk out".
" I can't it's wrong".
" No it's not" Merle replied in a loud voice. " Your not hurting this restaurant".
" I'm not".
" Of course not" . He smiled at Eddie. " Look around, one customer walking out is not going to hurt them".
Eddie looked around the busy establishment. Surely his bill would not hurt them financially as busy as they are.
Just then, Sal sat back down.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

the end of days: the return of the Son of Man page 3

the end of days: the return of the Son of Man page 3 by ric Gustafson

The eyes of the Son of Man shone like flames of fire. On his white robe was written ' the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords'. His head and hair were white as pure snow. In his right hand were seven stars. Behind him was the Army of Heaven. This glorious army was clothed in white and on top of white horses. As Jesus spoke, Rory thought it sounded like a trumpet.
" I am the Alpha and the Omega". Jesus looked down. " The First and the Last the Beginning and the End".
As he said this, thousands of Carlo's best soldiers dropped to the ground and died.
" I am he who lives and was dead and behold I am alive forevermore".
Rory looked up and could not believe what he was hearing.
" And I have the keys of Hades and Death".
As Jesus said this, thousands more of Carlo's soldiers dropped down to the ground and died.
Carlo in fear turned his horse around. " Follow me and do not listen to him".
" I am the Lamb that was slain and the Shepherd who leads his flock to water".
Carlo watched as many thousands of his troops were dead after hearing Jesus's words. Some of his soldiers were screaming and trying to run away.
A large cloud of birds were starting to feast on the dead bodies of his soldiers.
" Rory Johnston".
Rory looked up. Then he realized that Jesus was talking to him. He rode up next to his Master. " Sir, the rest of the army is ready for the final attack".
Carlo smiled and patted his young friend's shoulder. " Thank you Rory for everything".
" You're welcome Sir". With a worried stare, Rory looked up at Jesus on his white horse.

research help: original story and ' Glorious Appearing' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Halloween Pizza at the Temptation Pizza Parlor page 3

Halloween Pizza at the Temptation Pizza Parlor page 3 by ric Gustafson

Eddie picked up the greasy menu to see what kind of pizza he was thinking of having. He noticed the stranger in black was not looking at the menu. " Would you like to look at a menu?".
" No thanks". He glanced around the busy restaurant. " I already know what I'm going to have".
All of a sudden, a man wearing a white suit and white sneakers sat down in the last open chair. " Sorry I'm late".
Eddie handed him a menu. " That's ok".
" I'm Sal". He shook Eddie's hand. " I see that you've already met Merle".
He gave an evil smirk. " I see that Mr goody two shoes is wearing the same dull white outfit again".
Sal ignored the comment and opened the menu. " Eddie, what kind of pizza interests you tonight?".
Eddie put down the menu and smiled. " The Halloween pizza special sounds good".
" Great choice" Merle said with a strange chuckle. " Halloween is my favorite holiday of the year".
Sal got up and began to walk toward the ordering window. " Eddie, did you want Mountain Dew to drink?".
" How did you know that?".
Sal smiled.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, October 12, 2015

Wisdom from the Bible: Siblings

Wisdom from the Bible: Siblings by ric Gustafson

In God's Word, the role of siblings is very important. There are many bible stories about sibling relationships. One example is Cain and Abel. Abel kept flocks and Cain worked the soil. Cain brought an offering to God of fruits of the soil. Abel brought an offering of portions of the firstborn of his flock. While in a field, Cain killed his brother. Their story is in the book of Genesis.
Then there is the story of brothers Jacob and Esau. Younger brother Jacob tried to trick their aging father Isaac into giving him the blessing reserved for eldest sons. Fearing the wrath of his brother Esau, Jacob went to live with relatives in a distant land. Later, both brothers met each other with love and mercy. Esau extended mercy to his brother.
Sisters Mary and Martha had different temperaments, strengths and weaknesses. One day, Jesus came to visit. Martha was preoccupied with hospitality. On the other hand, Mary sat at Jesus's feet listening to his every word.
The Bible showed that siblings have differences and that there are opportunities to grow. There are lessons to be learned in areas where they differ. Blind spots can be identified and perspectives broadened.
Praise God for the wisdom from his Word.

research help: ' Everyday Wisdom from the Bible' by Engaged Media

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Lennon page 4

Lennon page 4 by ric Gustafson

In 1971, John Lennon and Yoko Ono came to New York City during a time of turbulence in America. John 's music had become political and he associated with leftist groups. He continued to write music but was pushing himself out of the limelight.
At this time, he and Yoko separated. John's behavior both privately and publicly became unpredictable and outrageous.
By 1975, the war in Vietnam had ended. Peace was found on the world stage. John and Yoko got back together and had a son named Sean. Between 1975 and 1980, John left the musical limelight to raise his son Sean and have a better relationship with his first son Julian.
In 1980 after five years of retirement, John and Yoko released an album called ' Double Fantasy'.
Musically, John Lennon was back.

research help: ' John Lennon' by I-5 Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Halloween pizza at the Temptation Pizza Parlor page 2

Halloween pizza at the Temptation Pizza Parlor page 2 by ric Gustafson

Eddie opened the brown wooden door and immediately noticed the décor. It contained beautiful fans, plenty of booths and old celebrity pictures on the walls.
A young woman walked up to him. " How many in your party?".
" Just myself".
" That might be difficult". She glanced around the crowded room. " We are really busy right now".
Eddie turned to walk out. " That's ok".
" Wait a minute". She turned and walked away.
Eddie glanced around the room.
" I have a table for three and the other two are not here yet". She shook her head. " Right now it is all I have".
Eddie's stomach grumbled again. " I'll take it".
She picked up three menus. She led him to a quiet booth in a far corner. There was a vase of red and white flowers in the middle of the table.
Eddie began to study the menu.
" Good evening".
He looked up to see a man who was wearing a black cape and black pants.
The man sat down, reached across the table and shook Eddie's hand. " I'm Merle O'Brien".
" I'm Eddie Chapman".
" I'm one of your table mates for dinner".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Halloween pizza at the Temptation Pizza Parlor page 1

Halloween pizza at the Temptation Pizza Parlor page 1 by ric Gustafson

Eddie Chapman shivered as he walked along the cold wet sidewalk. It was almost Halloween and he had both hands in his coat to stay warm. He could hear his stomach grumbling. Money was tight and he had two days left till payday. The shipping plant had cut his hours and after all his bills were paid, there was not much left over.
His stomach grumbled again as he walked past an old downtown warehouse. He looked up to notice a sign above the front door that said ' Pizza Parlor'. The first word was blotted out. Eddie's stomach grumbled again and pizza sounded very inviting at the moment. He walked in knowing that he had no money in his pocket for pizza.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Devil's Food page 3

Devil's Food page 3 by ric Gustafson

Roy was reading the newspaper when he heard the doorbell ring. He opened the door to reveal a young boy dressed as a pirate and a young girl dressed like a princess.
" Trick or Treat" yelled the small pirate. He held out a plastic orange pail.
" Trick or Treat" squealed the young princess.
He opened the door and then reached for a wicker basket. " Would you like a candy bar or a Devil's Food zinger?".
" Roy, what are you doing?".
He stared at his wife. " Handing out Halloween treats".
" Put down those zingers!". She gave him a stern look. " Think about children's interests more than your own".
With a frown, he put a miniature candy bar into their plastic pails.
" Thanks" said the pirate and princess. They ran back to their father who was waiting for them.
The next morning, Roy was handing out Devi's Food zingers at work.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, October 9, 2015

Devil's Food page 2

Devil's Food page 2 by ric Gustafson

Roy could hear the irritating noise coming from the wheels of the steel cart. " Oh great" he muttered. " Out of all the carts here I get this one". He quickly walked past the produce area toward the seasonal aisle. He noticed a sign saying that the candy bar minatures were on sale. He walked up to a Halloween display and began to put candy into the cart.
He turned the cart to leave when he noticed the white display at the end of the aisle. " Yeah Hostess" he exclaimed out loud. He walked up to the display. He noticed the crumb cakes and the chocolate donuts.
Then a smile came to his face. " Yes Devil's Food zingers". He put one into his cart and then began to walk away. He stopped and then held up the box. " I wonder if the trick or treaters would like these also".
He knew he was only supposed to get the minature candy bars. He picked up the box of zingers. He loved the chocolate outside and the creamy filling inside. ' I'll just take a few boxes and mix them with the candy bars". He put three boxes of zingers into his cart. With a sense of accomplishment, he paid for the groceries and left the store.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Lennon page 3

Lennon page 3 by ric Gustafson

In England in 1963 and in the United States in 1964, Beatlemania exploded. John was always surrounded by young girls trying to meet a Beatle. In 1964, fans at their concerts were so loud the band could not hear each other. Because of the teenage girls hounding them, they had to have armed policemen guarding them.
John was involved in one of the biggest pop culture controversies ever. Publicly he said that the band was more popular than Jesus Christ. The result in the US was that a lot of their records were publicly burned.
At a London gallery in 1966, John met an avant- garde visual performance artist named Yoko Ono. The two fell in love. John left his wife Cynthia in 1968. John and Yoko married in 1969 and spent their honeymoon in Amsterdam. There they had a public two week bed-in. It was part anti war protest and part publicity stunt.
By 1970, the Beatles had broken up as a band.

research help: ' John Lennon' by I-5 Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Devil's Food page 1

Devil's Food page 1 by ric Gustafson

Roy McReed pressed the white garage door button. The door closed. He opened the kitchen door and walked into a spacious newly remodeled kitchen. " Hi sweetie".
" Hi honey" Margaret McReed replied as she put down a carving knife. " I'm just finishing up our Halloween pumpkin".
He yawned as he put his worn brown briefcase on top of a wooden hutch. " Work was really busy today". He walked over and opened up a white refrigerator. " Sweetie, have you seen my Hostess treats?".
" Yes, on the side next to your cheese slices".
He smiled as he noticed the red, white and blue package. He opened one and took a long bite. " I love these things".
" What are they?".
" Hostess Devil's Food zingers".
" Oh, I need you to do something for me".
He gave her a peck on the cheek. " Anything".
" I need you to go to the store and purchase our Halloween candy for tomorrow".
" Ok".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days: the return of the Son of Man page 2

the end of days: the return of the Son of Man page 2 by ric Gustafson

Rory held the reins of his black horse as he sat next to his master. Carlo's black horse was taller, heavier and not a speck of white on it.
Carlo turned his horse around to face his glorious army. " My fellow One World soldiers".
Rory handed him a silver sword with a huge handle.
Carlo pointed it skyward. " Our time is now and nothing will stop us".
Rory noticed that darkness had covered the land for two hours.
Carlo's horse slowly began moving with tanks, armored carriers and millions of soldiers following right behind. As they walked, Rory noticed a huge white cross illuminated on a side hill. As they passed, the cross disappeared.
As they walked on, the sky became pitch black. Only tank headlights could be seen.
Rory became scared because he could barely see ahead of himself.
All of a sudden, a bright light filled the sky.
Rory put his hands in front of his face.
Carlo knew where the light was coming from. " My dear One World soldiers, the time has come to defeat my enemy once and for all". He raised his sword. " Fire on my command".
Rory looked up and then shock entered his eyes. He saw that Heaven had opened and in plain view was a white horse. On top of that white horse was Jesus the Christ the Son of the living God.

research help: original story and ' Glorious Appearing' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

the end of days: the return of the Son of Man page 1

the end of days: the return of the Son of Man page 1 by ric Gustafson

Carlo looked through the high powered binoculars at the spectacular scene below. Thousands of horses and One World horsemen were gathering at the head of the largest army in all of mankind.
" Look Rory" he said on glee as he handed the glasses to his young friend. " I have gathered all the armies of the world into a One World army".
Rory grinned. " Very impressive Sir".
" I plan on invading Jerusalem and then establishing myself as the Christ of this world".
They looked on as soldiers by the millions gathered below.
Carlo smiled as he pointed. " This God of theirs will not be able to withstand my glorious army".
Rory watched as the sky above them became dark as night. " What do you need me for Sir?".
Carlo also noticed the dark sky. " Rory, I need your financial help one last time".
All of a sudden, a streak of lighting streaked across the dark sky. Lighting streaked across each other to resemble a cross.".
" Oh no!" Rory yelled as he pointed up. " It looks like the cross of Christ".
" The cross of Christ" Carlo replied with a laugh. " You must be kidding".
Rory stared at his master. " My mother said it would happen".
" You just have the financial resources available". Carlo gave an evil chuckle. " Nothing will stop me from reaching my goal".

research help: original story and ' Glorious Appearing' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Lennon page 2

Lennon page 2 by ric Gustafson

John Lennon earned admission to the Liverpool College of Art. Next to it was the Liverpool Institute. The pupils at this high school included Paul McCartney and George Harrison. John loved to read and draw cartoons. He loved doing inappropriate pranks and wore outrageous clothing.
It was at the College of Art that he met Stu Sutcliffe. Sutcliffe was a star student and had a promising career in studio art ahead of him. John invited him to play bass in his band. He agreed. He was not a gifted musician. Others in the band were frustrated with his lack of talent. Paul McCartney was frustrated with him because he could play any instrument at ease. Sutcliffe was John's dear friend and he stayed in the band.
The Quarrymen began to get more gigs around Northern England. They changed their name to Johnny and the Moondogs and then later the Beatles.
The Beatles were invited to a club in Hamburg Germany. There Sutcliffe became engaged to Astrid Kirchherr. After the band returned, Sutcliffe left the band to return to his art studies. He began to suffer from headaches and mood swings. On April 10 1962, Sutcliffe died from a brain hemorrhage. His friend's death and the death of his mother haunted John Lennon for the rest of his life.

research help: ' John Lennon' by I-5 Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days: the plague of darkness page 5

the end of days: the plague of darkness page 5 by ric Gustafson

Carlo and Rory watched below from the helicopter's big glass windows. Three hideous creatures sat across from them. Carlo stared out the window at the Plain below.
" Rory, do you know why we are going to win this last battle?".
" Tell me Sir?".
Carlo grinned as he pointed at the three unclean spirits. " First, Ashtaroth, Baal and Cankerworm will gather all my armies from around the world to the Plain below us". He clapped his hands. The three vanished. " Second, the Euphrates River has dried up so nothing will stop my forces.
Rory grinned at his master. " What else Sir?".
" This Plain this Valley is 14 by 25 miles 350 square miles long". He smiled at Rory. " This Plain will hold more troops, trucks and weapons than at any other time in history".
" Very impressive Sir".
Carlo patted the shoulder of his young friend. " Rory, we cannot lose".

The End

research help: original story and ' Armageddon' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, October 5, 2015

Lennon page 1

Lennon page 1 by ric Gustafson

John Lennon's father was Alfred Lennon and he worked as a ship steward. He served passengers on luxury liners at sea. He loved to entertain passengers and crew with his singing and comedy. John's mother was Julia Stanley who was beautiful and musically talented. She worked as an usherette at a movie theatre.
John Lennon was born on October 9 1940 while his father was away at sea. Eventually the marriage broke up and he went to be with his mother. After a while, John went to live with his Aunt Mimi and her husband George. He had a comfortable childhood but craved parental love and affection.
John was an altar boy but was eventually kicked out of the congregation. In school, he was always in trouble. While he was at the Quarry Bank High School for Boys, he started a band called the Quarrymen. His mother taught him to play the guitar and he loved it.
On July 15 1958 while walking to a bus stop, John's mother Julia was killed by a speeding off duty police officer. This tragedy haunted John Lennon for the rest of his life.

research help: ' John Lennon' by I-5 Publishing

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days: the plague of darkness page 4

the end of days: the plague of darkness page 4 by ric Gustafson

Carlo quietly walked up to the podium. " Thank you all for coming". He took a sip of bottled water. " I need everyone to help me win this ultimate battle".
" We will help you" roared the crowd.
" The one who calls himself God is not God".
" You are" roared the crowd.
" I am against this Christ who was falsely crowned by a pretend creator". He hesitated. " I will ascend into heaven".
" Yes" roared the crowd.
" My goal is to eliminate this God and his Son and gain total control of the earth".
" How " roared the crowd.
" We will rally all of our armies in the Plain of Megiddo 100 kilometers north of Jerusalem".
" Then what" yelled the crowd.
" Our armies will march into the Eternal City and destroy all the Jews".
" Yes" roared the crowd.
" Will you join me?".
Rory smiled at his master. " Yes".

research help: original story and ' Armageddon' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, October 3, 2015

the other place/; unbelievers will be there

the other place: unbelievers will be there by ric Gustafson

Not everyone will accept God's gift of eternal life. Some people will exercise their free will and reject Jesus. Free will means we have a choice and every choice carries with it consequences. The consequence of rejecting Jesus is tragic.
Some people will be taken in by false teachers who promise entrance into heaven but do not deliver. Some people will rely on their good works to earn God's favor. They will be disappointed.
Believers use Hell as the motivation to try to get as many unbelievers to bring them to Jesus before they die.
My prayer is that every one who passes away believes in Jesus and will be saved.
Praise God.

The End

research help: ' The Truth about Heaven' by Time Home Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, October 2, 2015

the end of days: the plague of darkness page 3

the end of days: the plague of darkness page 3 by ric Gustafson

Carlo Simpato, Rory and several One World leaders walked into the conference room and sat down.
" Thank you Mr Simpato for a very inspiring rally" the leader of the African States exclaimed.
The other leaders shook their heads in approval.
" I thought the rally was a success" Carlo replied as he put a large map on the chalkboard. " But what I want to tell you next is even more important". He took a pointer and pointed at the map. " Here is a map of Israel". His voice hesitated. " And here is the plain of Megiddo also known as the plain of Jezreel". He grinned. " Here I will defeat the so called Messiah who has been sending these plagues to scare us".
The leader of the Asian Countries looked confused. " What do you mean?".
" Thanks to the financial backing of the One World financial network". He smiled at Rory. " I plan to assemble the largest army ever mustered, the largest arsenal of weapons and all the firepower I can put together".
The leader of the European Countries stared at Carlo. " Why do you want to do this?".
Carlo grinned at the leaders. " For thousands of years, I have been waiting for my chance to destroy their God and his Son once and for all". He grinned from ear to ear. " Then I will destroy Jerusalem and become master of the universe". He stared at the leaders. " Do I have everyone's approval?".
Rory and all the leaders shook their heads in approval.

research help: original story and ' Armageddon' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the other place: Demons will be there

the other place: Demons will be there by ric Gustafson

According to Revelation 12, when Satan launched his rebellion against God one third of the angels in heaven joined him. God threw them out of heaven and forced them to dwell as spirits between heaven and hell. These rebellious angels are now demons.
The attention of demons are now concentrated on God's human creation. Their goal is to thwart God's plan for humanity and disrupt his work in the world. The power of demons is limited. In God's might, they are helpless.
The tools of demons are temptation, doubt, egotism, fear, pride, greed and jealousy. They will use anything to interfere in our relationship with God.

research help: ' The Truth about Heaven' by Time Home Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, October 1, 2015

the end of days: the plague of darkness page 2

the end of days: the plague of darkness page 2 by ric Gustafson

Rory stared through the thick glass window at the scene down below. A row of enforcement devices were being used on a long line of people who had refused the mark of loyalty. As he heard the thud thud thud noise of the blade coming down, he thought about his mother. He had tried to convince her to give up the Christian religion. She refused and these poor souls were joining her.
All of a sudden, the door opened and his master walked in.
" Hello Rory" Carlo said with a smile as he sat down next to his young friend. " Are you enjoying the proceedings down below?".
He shrugged his shoulders. " I haven't thought much about it since my mother died".
" I know". His voice hesitated. " You tried to convince her to do the right thing". He looked down below. " Rory, thank you for the financing of these new enforcement devices".
" Your welcome Sir!".
Carlo thought for a moment. " Rory, do we have enough money in the budget for one more huge One World rally?".
" I think so Sir".
" Good". He grinned. " I have some big plans to go over with you".

research help: original story and ' Armageddon' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the other place: Satan will be there

the other place: Satan will be there by ric Gustafson

So who is Satan really?. According to God's Word, he led a rebellion against God and was kicked out of heaven. He tempted Eve to disobey God in the Garden of Eden. That caused both her and Adam to bring sin into the world. He tempted Jesus to sin but failed. He has become the adversary of God.
I Peter 5:8 describes Satan as a roaring lion sneaking around to find someone to attack. The good news is that he has already lost the war and his fate is sealed.

research help: ' The Truth about Heaven' by Time Home Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric