Wednesday, June 3, 2015

who?: who knows

who?: who knows by ric Gustafson

God wants to give us a vision for a new venture to serve him. We need to trust God when it comes to our personal lives. Because of our sinful nature, it's easy to doubt ourselves. Will I succeed or fail?. Do I have the time, money, ability, gifts, education and knowledge?. The fact is that we do not have an answer. God knows what we do not know.
If we have a vision, a dream or an idea, God will bless it. But it must serve other people and bring honor and glory to God.
What we know is important but what is more important is who we know. What is most important is that we know God through faith in his son Jesus.

research help: Turning Points June 2015

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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