Thursday, June 18, 2015

the ding ding man

the ding ding man by ric Gustafson

I was recently working in my yard when I heard that familiar sound.

The summer was hot. I heard the ding ding bell and I ran toward the curb. My mouth watered in the thought of some cool ice cream.
The white truck stopped. A little window opened. " Can I help you?" asked a young dark bearded man. He wiped his hands on a white apron.
Sweat dripped into my eyes and stung them. " I'm looking for ice cream".
He grinned at me. " I'm not selling ice cream".
I wiped sweat from my forehead. " So what are you selling?".
He smiled. " That people would simply believe in me, repent of their sins and they will be with me forever".
I kept wiping sweat from my eyes. " Not selling ice cream".
" Nope, just the free gift of salvation".
I gave him a puzzled stare. " Why do you ding ding that bell but you don't sell any ice cream".
" I ding my bell for the lost and anybody willing to listen to my simple message".
" Sorry" I said out loud. I walked back to my yard.
Jesus watched with tears in his eyes and sadness in his heart. He dinged the bell twice. The pure white truck slowly began to travel on in search of the spiritually lost.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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