Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Operation Valkyrie page 1

Operation Valkyrie page 1 by ric Gustafson

There was anti German resistance in Nazi occupied Europe. In occupied France, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Poland and Greece resistance activities included smuggling airmen to safety, engaging in sabotage and guerrilla operations.
An organized German resistance was in place before 1938. It consisted of senior military officers, civil servants, international diplomats, jurists and men of letters. Influential people included Hjalmar Schacht, Julius Leber, Carl Gordeler, Colonel General Ludwig Beck, Admiral Wilhelm Canaris.
One estimate is that there was at least forty six attempts on Hitler's life from 1921- 1945. The Anschluss of Austria occurred on March 11 1938. Chief of Staff Ludwig Beck prepared a statement for Hitler objecting to the oncoming war. Beck was replaced by General Fritz Halder.
One person who was a no stranger to anti Hitler circles was 31 year old Captain Claus von Stauffenberg.
There was a plan to oust Hitler on September 28 1938 but failed because of the infamous Munich Conference the next day.

research help: ' Secret Germany' by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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