Thursday, June 4, 2015

Operation Valkyrie page 2

Operation Valkyrie page 2 by ric Gustafson

In September of 1939, Colonel General Kurt von Hammerstein tried to engineer an assassination of Hitler. He was a former Commander in Chief of the army and was in charge of an army on the French front. He was not involved in the organized conspiracy but had a hatred for Hitler. Acting mostly alone he tried to lure Hitler to his headquarters. Hitler never came and the General died from cancer in 1943.
General Halder along with Panzer commander Heinz Guderian and Henning von Tresckow laid plans to arrest Hitler and most of the Party hierarchy as well. Immediately things went wrong. A bomb was planted in a Munich beer hall on November 8. They were unable to get the help of Field Marshal Walter von Brauchitsch so Halder called off the operation.
One of Halder's co conspirators was Field Marshal Erwin von Witzleben. In 1941, he came up with a plan to assassinate Hitler in Paris. As a parade was occurring down the Champs Elysees, he was to be shot by two members of Witzleben's staff. Hitler declined to come back to the French capital. Witzleben was relieved of his command and forced into retirement.

research help: ' Secret Germany' by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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