Sunday, June 21, 2015

the return of the ding ding man

the return of the ding ding man by ric Gustafson

Slowly he threw the snow up on top of the retaining wall. He stopped because the heavy snow had begun to hurt his back. ' Boy it's cold out here' he thought to himself as he blew on his gloved hands. ' Hot chocolate right now sure sounds good' he thought as he picked up another shovel of snow and threw it on top of the retaining wall.
He was stamping his cold feet when he heard that familiar sound. He smiled and walked over to the curb. He heard the ding ding and saw the plain white truck coming slowly down the street. ' Maybe he has some hot chocolate' I wondered. I stepped out into the snowy street.
The white truck stopped in front of him.
The small window opened. " Can I help you?".
" I'm freezing and wanted to know if you had any hot chocolate".
A young dark bearded man, who was wearing a white parka, shook his head. " Sorry, no hot chocolate".
He blew into his gloved hands. " Do you have any hot drinks at all?".
" Sorry".
" So why are you driving around dinging that bell?".
" So I can tell people about a free gift".
He stamped his feet. " What gift is that?".
" The free gift of eternal life".
" How do I get this free gift?".
" Simply believe in me".
" No hot chocolate".
" Sorry".
He shook his head and walked back to his shovel. " All I wanted was some hot chocolate".
Jesus, with tears in his eyes, closed his serving window. He started the truck. He dinged the bell and continued on his journey for lost souls.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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