Monday, June 1, 2015

let's have lunch page 1

let's have lunch page 1 by ric Gustafson

A midday meal was a pattern of life work refresh work. A meal had to be determined by what was available to cook and what was available for fuel. If someone had a fire kindling overnight a meal could be cooked the next morning. Because of the amount of work involved, mealtimes depended on cooking times.
Neolithic cooks were limited in tools and materials so mealtimes was usually after the food was cooked. Thus the first meal of the day was nearer to noon than sunrise. And the meal could of been the only one of the day.
Because of planting and harvesting, meals were usually communally served. Harvest season lunches sometimes were spent doing a community's important business. Agricultural communities worked, ate and then worked again. In early cities, street food got people into temples, markets and public meeting places. Medieval lunches for peasants were communal lunches. Leavened bread made with yeast was common and inherited from the Romans. It was more economical, used less fuel to bake and kept longer. Cheese supplemented bread and might of been from goat, sheep or cow milk. Cider and wine was also popular.

research help: ' Lunch a history' by Megan Elias

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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