Saturday, June 13, 2015

it is your destiny page 1

it is your destiny page 1 by ric Gustafson

I give you something to ponder. If you were to die today, would I spend eternity in Heaven with God?. It is the most important question that you will ever have to answer. I John 5:13 says that if we believe on the name of the Son of God that we may know that we have eternal life. So how do we know?.
First, we need to understand that we need a personal Savior. We have sin in our lives and Romans 3:23 says that all have sinned. Death apart from God is in a place called Hell. Second, we must believe that Jesus wants to be our Savior. Jesus on the cross died and paid for all of our sins. Now we have a chance to be with him forever. Finally, we must place our full trust in Jesus as our personal Savior. Romans 10:13 says that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
We need to simply ask Jesus into our hearts. Profess that we are sinners and ask him to be our personal Savior. We need to put full trust in him alone and accept his free gift of eternal life.
That is the most important decision we will ever make.

research help: ' Discover Your Destiny' by Cary Schmidt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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