Monday, June 1, 2015

Who?: a question of who

Who?: a question of who by ric Gustafson

What would the first disciples of Jesus think with the technology we have today. With television, the Internet, email and smartphones, I'm sure they would be amazed. I'm sure they would exclaim " who knew".
It's hard to imagine how far the Kingdom of God can reach people all over the world. We can broadcast the Gospel around the world at the speed of light. It's hard to believe how God's Church has come since the first century.
As God's people we need to exclaim " wow, who knew the great things God has done in my life". We need to step back and think to ourselves how has God blessed me today. God wants and desires to use you and bless you. " Who knew?".

research help: Turning Points June 2015

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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