Saturday, June 20, 2015

Nahum 1:7

Nahum 1:7 by ric Gustafson

Albert tried to catch his breath as a flaming arrow landed next to his left foot. He ran toward a large tree as a flaming arrow landed next to him. He jumped behind a large boulder. He noticed what looked like a steel fortress in the distance. He stood up and began to run toward it. Flaming arrows dropped all around him.
He stopped next to a huge steel door. He rang the door knocker as hard as he could. All of a sudden, the door opened to reveal a large room that could hold several people. A fire was blazing in a nearby fireplace.
A young man with a huge smile walked in. " Come in". He shut the door and bolted it shut.
Albert could hear a flaming arrow hit the steel door. " I was running from Satan's flaming arrows and I saw your fortress".
The young man smiled and poured a glass of water from a nearby pitcher. " You are safe here". He handed him the water. " Satan's flaming arrows cannot penetrate this fortress". He grinned as Albert drank the water. " I also knew you were coming".
Albert put down the glass. " How did you know I was coming?".
" I saw you running and dodging Satan's flaming arrows". He poured more water into his cup. " I knew you were coming and got the place ready for you". Albert began to feel safe and protected. He finished drinking the water and put down the glass. " Thank you for protecting me and keeping me safe".
The young man smiled. " You are always safe and protected here".

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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