Wednesday, November 21, 2012

the key to the closet scene 2

the key to the closet scene 2 by ric gustafson

                                    Scene 2

                  Rocco is pacing nervously around the living room
                   He hears the doorbell, walks downstairs and opens the door



                                   Evan White

I'm Evan White

[ He smiles and points at his namebadge]

                                        Evan White

Mr White's Housecleaning Service


Please come in and have a seat

[ They walk up to the living room and sit down on a large multicolored sofa]

                                  Evan White

First of all, thank you for selecting our Housecleaning Service

[ He opens a manila folder and hands Rocco a questionaire]

                                  Evan White

Our company is interested in how you found out about us


I saw your ad in the phonebook [ beat] it was next to another housecleaning ad

                                      Evan White

Oh yes, the Snake in the Grass Housecleaners [ beat] that's our rival

[ He takes out a checklist from the manila folder]

                                  Evan White

I would like to fill out a checklist of everything you would like us to do



[ They walked into the kitchen]

                                  Evan White

What would you like us to do in here?


Wipe down the countertops, scrub out sink, microwave and dry mop floor

[ They walk back into the living room]

                              Evan White

We will dust the furniture, blinds and dry mop the floor

[ They walk toward the stairs]

                                 Evan White

What about the downstairs and the main stairs?


The downstairs you can clean like the living room and just dry mop the stairs

[ They walk down the hallway and stop at the bathroom]

                               Evan White

How about the bathroom?


If you could clean the sink, countertop, stool, tub and mop the floor

                           Evan White

How about the hallway and bedrooms?


Just vacuum the carpet and in the bedrooms just dust the furniture, vacuum the carpet and wipe down the baseboards

[ As they walk back toward the sofa, Mr White notices a closet that they had not talked about]

                            Evan White

How about this closet?


No!  [ beat]  this closet is locked and off limits

                               Evan White

What date would you like me to do this one time cleaning


The morning of Febuary 14th

                            Evan White

Valentine's Day


Yes, I'm having a Valentine's Day party that afternoon


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