Sunday, November 18, 2012

the Inn 2012 page 2

the Inn 2012 page 2 by ric gustafson

Joseph and Mary walked up to the front desk. He rang the bell that was on the counter.
A young man came out of the back room. " May I help you?".
" My name is Joseph and my wife is due to have a child any time now". He pointed at his wife. " Please Sir, do you have a spare room at all?".
" I'm sorry but because of the National Rodeo in town, we are totally booked solid".
Elsa Mingle walked out of the pool area and put her broom and dustpan back on her yellow cart".
" No rooms at all".
Mary spoke up. " Do you know of a motel in town that would have a room?".
" I heard that every motel in this city is booked solid tonight". He gave a deep sigh. " I'm sorry".
" Rufus" Elsa said as she walked toward Mary and Joseph. " The homeless shelter next door might be able to help them tonight".
" That's true, I forgot about the shelter".
" I'll take you over there" Elsa replied.
Mary smiled back. " Thank you".
" Oh Elsa" Rufus said as another couple walked in. " Were you able to get that old man away from the edge of the pool?".
" Not yet". She began to walk toward the front door with Joseph and Mary. " He's been lying there for over thirty years".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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