Saturday, November 17, 2012

the Inn 2012 page 1

the Inn 2012 page 1 by ric gustafson

Joseph tried to focus on the white line. He yawned as he turned up the radio.
" Joseph" Mary said as she squirmed. " I'm beginning to feel very uncomfortable".
He glanced at the mile marker as they drove by it. " Only three miles to go".
" When do you start at the carpentry shop?".
" Monday".
" I hope we can find a place to stay overnight" she said as she squirmed again. " The baby feels like it could come at any time".
They sat in silence as they passed the town's entrance sign.
" Joseph, I'm praying to God that there is a place for us to stay".
Joseph grinned. He was praying to God also.
He drove the SUV into the parking lot and parked in one of the empty stalls.
" Joseph, I pray there is room here for us" Mary said as she felt her bump. " I feel that the baby will be coming any time now".
" I know". He gave a tired sigh. " Every motel we've tried tonight is booked solid because of the Rodeo in town".
Joseph got out and walked around the vehicle. He opened Mary's door and helped her to get out. " Hopefully we can stay at this Holiday Inn".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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