Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Clue: the mystery at Oak Manor page 5

Clue: the mystery at Oak Manor page 5 by ric gustafson

Mort knocked on the wood door.
" Yes".
" Is this the residence of Colonel Algernon Mustard?".
The door slightly opened. " Who are you?".
" Colonel, I'm sorry to bother you" the voice hesitated " but there was a murder in the reception room".
" Murder". The door opened to reveal an older gentleman wearing a yellow blazer. " Who was it?".
" A Miss Marilyn Johnson".
" Come in".
Mort walked into the small modest apartment. He noticed that Colonel Mustard had a handlebar moustache and a monocle in one eye.
" Who killed her?".
" Colonel, we are not sure who or what killed her".
Mort watched as the Colonel walked out of his bedroom holding a revolver.
" If I had killed her Detective, I would have killed her with this".
" A revolver?".
" Yes, I hated her".
" Miss Johnson?".
" Yes, she never listened to my complaints and treated us residents terribly".
" So you would have killed her with a revolver".
" Yes Detective, I keep it under my pillow and will use it if I have to".

research help: Wikopedia

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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