Monday, November 19, 2012

the Inn 2012 page 3

the Inn 2012 page 3 by ric gustafson

Elsa and Joseph helped Mary walk into the small lobby. He noticed a beige easy chair and helped Mary to sit down. He noticed a young man who was wiping off the dining room tables with a rag.
" Hello".
" Hi" the young man said as he walked toward them. " I'm Pastor Rhodes and I am in charge of the shelter". " What can we do for you?".
" I'm Joseph and this is my wife Mary". He pointed at his wife. " She's about to give birth and we can't find any place to stay". He looked tiredly at the young man. " Can you help us?".
Pastor Rhodes smiled. " Of course we'll make room". He looked at Elsa's nametag. " You are Elsa from the Holiday Inn next door".
" Yes".
" Elsa, have you ever helped with a birth before?".
" A long time ago".
" Good, I'll need your help".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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