Sunday, November 11, 2012

McDonald's page 7

McDonald's page 7 by ric gustafson

In the mid 1950's, McDonald's began refining how it ran it's restaurants. Kroc knew that to have a national chain instead of one restaurant it had to make some changes. These changes started with their hamburgers, french fries and milk shakes. The menu streamlined to ten items and one area of improvement was the french fry. The company spent more than $3 million on extensive research on cooking the fries and time settings and precise temperature. McDonald's only accepted potatoes that had least a 21% solid content. By 1962, potato consumption was more than six million pounds a year.
McDonald's began to improve its milk shake production. It was the first major restaurant chain to use the new milk shake machines. McDonald's began to use liquid shake mix to make their shakes thicker.
By 1957, Kroc had all the elements together to make McDonald's a success. In 1961, the McDonald brothers began to talk buyout discussions with Ray Kroc. Kroc agreed to buy out the brothers for $ 2.7 million dollars. Kroc had visions of a building a chain of 1000 restaurants. Kroc paid off the buyout amount in five years.
The first goal of Kroc and his dream of a national chain had to start with the West Coast.

research help: ' McDonald's behind the Arches' by John F Love

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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