Friday, November 23, 2012

Disciple: a disciple depends

Disciple: a disciple depends by ric gustafson

John chapter 15 says that Jesus talked about the vine and branches. Branches by themselves cannot survive but branches dependent on the vine survive and flourish. Jesus depended totally on his heavenly Father. Luke 22:42 says that Jesus prayed ' not my will but your will be done".
In order to depend on Jesus, we need to confess our failures to him. Jesus will draw us to him with love and forgiveness. Christ is the Vine and we are the Branches. When we are attached to Jesus the Vine his love flows through us and we depend on Jesus for everything.
As a disciple of Jesus, we need to totally depend on him.

research help: ' My Daily Devotion' by Stephen J Carter

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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