Friday, November 30, 2012

Moses page 1

Moses page 1 by ric gustafson

Miriam walked through the muddy reeds as she tightly held onto the wicker basket. She made her way through the reeds to the spot where the mighty river started. The river was up to her chest and she opened the basket to make sure her baby brother was ok. The baby had dark eyes, black hair and a smooth complexion.
" I'm sorry baby brother" she said as she pushed the basket out into the current. She silently watched as the small basket began to float downstream.
Princess Kali and some of her handmaids were in the water near the reeds. One of the handmaids screamed ' something is in the water!". She waded out and brought back a small wicker basket. She presented it to the Princess.
She opened the basket to reveal a Hebrew baby.
" It is not an Egyptian boy your Highness".
" I know". She smiled as the little baby's finger wrapped around hers. " The Nile has given me this child".
" What will you call him Princess?".
Princess Kali looked at the dark haired baby.
" Because he was taken from the water" she said as she grinned at the handmaids. " I will call him Moses".

research help: ' By Way of the Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

names of God: Buckler

names of God: Buckler by ric gustafson

Psalm 18:30- ' He is a buckler to all those that trust in him'

This term refers to God the Father. A buckler was a small shield that was made of leather with brass or iron decorations. In this passage, King David is referring to God as the buckler. Soldiers had large shields to hide behind to avoid arrows or spears. In hand to hand combat, a buckler could deflect a sword and do a blow to the enemy. When storms in life get really tough, we need someone to stand between us and our enemy. God as the Buckler will be before us protecting us from the enemy.

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David McLaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, November 29, 2012

names of God: The Christ

names of God: The Christ by ric gustafson

Matthew 16:16- ' Thou art the Christ the Son of the living God'

This term refers to God the Son. Christ is the Greek translation of Messiah or Anointed One. The Apostle Peter made this profound statement of faith. In the verses before this passage, Jesus is asking his disciples whom do men say that I the Son of Man is. They replied John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah or another prophet. Then Jesus asked them but who do you say that I am. Peter replied ' you are the Christ, the Son of the living God'.
As followers of Jesus, we need to be bold like Peter and say to everyone ' Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God'.

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David McLaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

names of God: Jesus

names of God: Jesus by ric gustafson

Matthew 1:21- ' And she shall bring forth a son and thou shalt call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins'

This term refers to God the Son. Jesus is the Greek translation of the name Yeshua. In this passage, an angel explains to Joseph of the importance of the son Mary would soon bear. The name of Jesus is an Old English translation of a Greek translation of a Hebrew name. The prophet Isaiah predicted that the Messiah's name would be Immanuel. Immanuel means God with us.
We who are followers of Jesus call him Savior and love him.

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David McLaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, November 26, 2012

the Sheep and the Goats page 2

the Sheep and the Goats page 2 by ric gustafson

Louie kneeled but noticed that some people to Jesus's left were standing and not kneeling. The archangel raised an outstretched arm to quiet the masses. " The time has come to avenge the blood of the martyrs".
Jesus cried out in a loud voice ' the time has come to reward my faithful servants and to punish those who have harmed them".
Those on Jesus's left began to shout ' Jesus is the Christ, Jesus is the Christ".
Jesus stood up and walked to the left edge of the platform. With anger and sadness in his voice, he pointed toward those on his left. " Depart from me you cursed into the everlasting fire I have prepared for the devil and his angels".
The masses on the left yelled back " No Lord No".
" I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was naked and you did not clothe me, I was in prison and you did not visit me".
The masses on the left yelled again " when did all these things happen?".
" When you did not do it to the least of these" he said as he pointed to those on his right. " You did not do it to me".
The masses on the left yelled again " we love you Lord, we do love you".
Jesus sat down in his altar chair. " My Father has given me authority to execute judgement and my judgement is righteousness".
The masses on the left got down on their knees and pleaded " No! Lord No!".
Jesus, with tears in his eyes, raised one finger and a chasm to the left of the platform opened wide. Everyone to the left of the platform fell in cursing and yelling. Just as quickly, the ground closed and returned to normal.

research help: ' Kingdom Come' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the key to the closet scene 4

the key to the closet scene 4 by ric gustafson

                                   Scene Four

                         Rocco is on his hands and knees cleaning up dried cupcake
                                      He hears the doorbell ring


I'm coming

[ He walks to the front door and opens it]


Hi Mr White  [ beat]  I was just scraping the last of the party's cupcakes

 [ Mr White walks in and hands Rocco a document]

                                  Evan White

Here is the one time cleaning agreement


Mr White, I've been doing a lot of thinking since the party yesterday

[ He takes a small key from his pant pocket and gives it to Mr White]


Here's the key

                                   Evan White

the key


The key to the closet [ beat] Thank you for saving my party

                                 Evan White

We are always here to help

[ Rocco hands the agreement back to Mr White]


I would like to extend our agreement  [ beat]  if that is alright with you

                                 Evan White

Of course


Good day Mr White

[ He opens the door and Mr White leaves]
[ He smiles and closes the door]

The End

Sunday, November 25, 2012

names of God: Advocate

names of God: Advocate by ric gustafson

I John 2:1- ' And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous'

This term refers to God the Son. An advocate is one who speaks in support of another such as a court of law. In this passage, John is reminding us that to believe in Christ means that we must follow his example. When we try and fail, Jesus will speak on our behalf at the final judgment. When we answer for our lives before God, human nature will show that we fall short of God's expectations. How could God the Judge understand?. Jesus Christ our Advocate will intercede for us his followers.

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David McLaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the key to the closet scene 3

the key to the closet scene 3 by ric gustafson

                                       Scene Three

                           Rocco is about to enter his house when his cell phone rings



                                      Gruff  voice

Is this Rocco Larue?



                                      Gruff  voice

Do you have the rest of our money?


You will get the rest of your money this afternoon

[ He opens the front door to reveal Mr White sweeping the stairs]

                                  Evan White

Sorry Mr Larue [ beat]  I wasn't expecting you so early this morning


I came home early to bake some cupcakes for the party this afternoon

                                Evan White

Mr Larue, can I clean the locked closet?



[ He bangs a fist on the front railing]

                                   Evan White

Ok [ beat]  I'll be downstairs cleaning

[ Later on at the party]

                                 Angie McMann

Rocco, these cupcakes look divine

[ She bites into one of the red and white treats]


Thank you

[ He pours her a glass of lemonade and then hears the doorbell]


I'll get it

[ As he walks toward the front door, he notices Mr White coming up the stairs and opening the front door]


Sorry Mr White [ beat]  I didn't realize you were still here

[ Mr White opens the door to reveal two men wearing black coats]


Is this the residence of Rocco Larue?

[ The two men walk up the stairs toward Rocco]


Are you Rocco Larue?




We want our money now!

[ He shoves Rocco into Angie]
[ She drops the cupcake and white frosting now covers her sweater]


Rocco, this sweater was brand new

[ In anger, she puts on her coat and leaves]


Give us our money Rocco

[ He throws a glass of lemonade at the wall and shatters it]


We want our money now!

[ Rocco watches in horror as other guests scream and run out the door]


Mr White, please help me

[ Mr White points a finger at the gangsters]

                                Evan White

Gentlemen, lets go outside and talk

[ All three walk outside]
[ Later, Mr White walks back in]

                           Evan White

Rocco, I took care of the situation

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Disciple: a disciple imitates

Disciple: a disciple imitates by ric gustafson

Jesus taught by example that a disciple needs to imitate. Jesus's disciples could not imitate Jesus on their own. They needed the Spirit's outpouring at Pentacost. Later by God's grace, they were able to pass Jesus's examples to others. Like Jesus's disciples we stumble, falter and fall. We need to totally depend on God's grace. Then we can imitate Jesus in our words and actions and encourage others to do the same.

research help: ' My Daily Devotion' by Stephen J Carter

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, November 23, 2012

Disciple: a disciple depends

Disciple: a disciple depends by ric gustafson

John chapter 15 says that Jesus talked about the vine and branches. Branches by themselves cannot survive but branches dependent on the vine survive and flourish. Jesus depended totally on his heavenly Father. Luke 22:42 says that Jesus prayed ' not my will but your will be done".
In order to depend on Jesus, we need to confess our failures to him. Jesus will draw us to him with love and forgiveness. Christ is the Vine and we are the Branches. When we are attached to Jesus the Vine his love flows through us and we depend on Jesus for everything.
As a disciple of Jesus, we need to totally depend on him.

research help: ' My Daily Devotion' by Stephen J Carter

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

names of God: Manna

names of God: Manna by ric gustafson

Exodus 16:31- ' And the house of Israel called the name thereof Manna'

This term refers to God the Father. The original meaning of the term Manna is not known. The Israelites were starving in the desert. God sent them a special bread that appeared like dew every morning and evaporated in the sun. It usually did not last longer than a day unless it was prepared for the Sabbath. Some people took it for granted but there was always enough to feed the people.
God is not only food for our stomachs but more important it is food for our souls.

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David McLaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the milk aisle page 2

the milk aisle page 2 by ric gustafson

Two years later

Tiffany walked up to the dairy case. She opened it and then smiled. Inside were racks and racks of one percent milk.
" Hello Tiffany". She turned to see the young clerk from two years before putting packages of yogurt into a dairy case.
" Hi". She hesitated. " I've been studying God's Word everyday for two years now".
" That's good" he replied with a smile. " You are now ready for solid food".
" Solid food?".
" Paul in Hebrews 5 says that solid food is for the mature".
" The mature?".
" Those who can distinguish good from evil".

The End- dedicated to Tom E

research help: ' My Daily Devotion' by Stephen J Carter

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, November 22, 2012

the milk aisle page 1

the milk aisle page 1 by ric gustafson

Tiffany Miller held onto the black plastic basket as she walked up to the long glass dairy case. She was frustrated because she had to leave home quickly this morning to get her weekly groceries. She wanted to study God's Word but did not have time.
She walked up to the milk case and opened the door. She stared in disbelief as she noticed that there was no milk on the rack. The rack was totally empty. She noticed a young clerk coming out of the back door.
" Excuse me, where is the milk?".
He smiled at Tiffany. " Aren't you an infant in Christ?".
" Yes, I gave my life to Christ two weeks ago".
He handed her a small black bible. " All you can handle right now is spiritual milk".
She grinned as she took the bible. " I crave pure spiritual milk".
The young clerk smiled at Tiffany. " Drink from God's Holy Word".
" I will".
" Come back when you are ready for solid food".

research help: ' My Daily Devotion' by Stephen J Carter

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

the key to the closet scene 2

the key to the closet scene 2 by ric gustafson

                                    Scene 2

                  Rocco is pacing nervously around the living room
                   He hears the doorbell, walks downstairs and opens the door



                                   Evan White

I'm Evan White

[ He smiles and points at his namebadge]

                                        Evan White

Mr White's Housecleaning Service


Please come in and have a seat

[ They walk up to the living room and sit down on a large multicolored sofa]

                                  Evan White

First of all, thank you for selecting our Housecleaning Service

[ He opens a manila folder and hands Rocco a questionaire]

                                  Evan White

Our company is interested in how you found out about us


I saw your ad in the phonebook [ beat] it was next to another housecleaning ad

                                      Evan White

Oh yes, the Snake in the Grass Housecleaners [ beat] that's our rival

[ He takes out a checklist from the manila folder]

                                  Evan White

I would like to fill out a checklist of everything you would like us to do



[ They walked into the kitchen]

                                  Evan White

What would you like us to do in here?


Wipe down the countertops, scrub out sink, microwave and dry mop floor

[ They walk back into the living room]

                              Evan White

We will dust the furniture, blinds and dry mop the floor

[ They walk toward the stairs]

                                 Evan White

What about the downstairs and the main stairs?


The downstairs you can clean like the living room and just dry mop the stairs

[ They walk down the hallway and stop at the bathroom]

                               Evan White

How about the bathroom?


If you could clean the sink, countertop, stool, tub and mop the floor

                           Evan White

How about the hallway and bedrooms?


Just vacuum the carpet and in the bedrooms just dust the furniture, vacuum the carpet and wipe down the baseboards

[ As they walk back toward the sofa, Mr White notices a closet that they had not talked about]

                            Evan White

How about this closet?


No!  [ beat]  this closet is locked and off limits

                               Evan White

What date would you like me to do this one time cleaning


The morning of Febuary 14th

                            Evan White

Valentine's Day


Yes, I'm having a Valentine's Day party that afternoon


names of God: Father of Lights

names of God: Father of Lights by ric gustafson

James 1:17- ' Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of lights'

This term refers to God the Father. God is the Creator of the original light and is the source that all good things shine. Third century monks sang about God being the gladdening light. In this passage, James is telling us to rejoice when tempted or storms come into our lives. Only good flows from the Father of Lights. God was physical light at the beginning of time and he is the spiritual light of Jesus. God wants us to light a candle for someone else and show them God's love.
When we shine a light to others, the Father of Lights shines one on us.

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David McLaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, November 19, 2012

Ford page 7

Ford page 7 by ric gustafson

On September 5 2006, the company's senior executives crowded into Bill Ford Jr's private conference room. At 3:30 pm, Bill Ford Jr resigned as CEO and Allan Mulally was named the new CEO of Ford. Bill Ford Jr sent an email to employees talking about the challenges the company faces and why he was stepping aside. He explained that he would remain as executive chairman. The next morning, Ford Jr and Mulally addressed employees in a worldwide town hall meeting.
The news about the company's financial progress was not what Mulally wanted to hear. To bring Ford back to profitability, drastic measures had to happen. Sixteen plants by 2012 would have to close. Twenty five to thirty thousand jobs would have to be slashed. Dividend payments would have to be suspended.
Mulally paid a visit to the company's Product Development Center to see the company's lineup. He noticed right away that the Taurus was not there. He was told that it was replaced by the Fusion that was selling well. He was impressed by the Fusion but disappointed by the Ford 500. Mulally was worried because 2007 was projected to be the worst year in the company's history. The projected loss was to be more than $ 12 billion dollars. The company lost $ 5.8 billion in a three month period, the worst quarterly loss in fourteen years.

research help: ' American Icon' by Bryce G Hoffman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Inn 2012 page 3

the Inn 2012 page 3 by ric gustafson

Elsa and Joseph helped Mary walk into the small lobby. He noticed a beige easy chair and helped Mary to sit down. He noticed a young man who was wiping off the dining room tables with a rag.
" Hello".
" Hi" the young man said as he walked toward them. " I'm Pastor Rhodes and I am in charge of the shelter". " What can we do for you?".
" I'm Joseph and this is my wife Mary". He pointed at his wife. " She's about to give birth and we can't find any place to stay". He looked tiredly at the young man. " Can you help us?".
Pastor Rhodes smiled. " Of course we'll make room". He looked at Elsa's nametag. " You are Elsa from the Holiday Inn next door".
" Yes".
" Elsa, have you ever helped with a birth before?".
" A long time ago".
" Good, I'll need your help".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, November 18, 2012

the Inn 2012 page 2

the Inn 2012 page 2 by ric gustafson

Joseph and Mary walked up to the front desk. He rang the bell that was on the counter.
A young man came out of the back room. " May I help you?".
" My name is Joseph and my wife is due to have a child any time now". He pointed at his wife. " Please Sir, do you have a spare room at all?".
" I'm sorry but because of the National Rodeo in town, we are totally booked solid".
Elsa Mingle walked out of the pool area and put her broom and dustpan back on her yellow cart".
" No rooms at all".
Mary spoke up. " Do you know of a motel in town that would have a room?".
" I heard that every motel in this city is booked solid tonight". He gave a deep sigh. " I'm sorry".
" Rufus" Elsa said as she walked toward Mary and Joseph. " The homeless shelter next door might be able to help them tonight".
" That's true, I forgot about the shelter".
" I'll take you over there" Elsa replied.
Mary smiled back. " Thank you".
" Oh Elsa" Rufus said as another couple walked in. " Were you able to get that old man away from the edge of the pool?".
" Not yet". She began to walk toward the front door with Joseph and Mary. " He's been lying there for over thirty years".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, November 17, 2012

the Inn 2012 page 1

the Inn 2012 page 1 by ric gustafson

Joseph tried to focus on the white line. He yawned as he turned up the radio.
" Joseph" Mary said as she squirmed. " I'm beginning to feel very uncomfortable".
He glanced at the mile marker as they drove by it. " Only three miles to go".
" When do you start at the carpentry shop?".
" Monday".
" I hope we can find a place to stay overnight" she said as she squirmed again. " The baby feels like it could come at any time".
They sat in silence as they passed the town's entrance sign.
" Joseph, I'm praying to God that there is a place for us to stay".
Joseph grinned. He was praying to God also.
He drove the SUV into the parking lot and parked in one of the empty stalls.
" Joseph, I pray there is room here for us" Mary said as she felt her bump. " I feel that the baby will be coming any time now".
" I know". He gave a tired sigh. " Every motel we've tried tonight is booked solid because of the Rodeo in town".
Joseph got out and walked around the vehicle. He opened Mary's door and helped her to get out. " Hopefully we can stay at this Holiday Inn".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

where in the world is Lucas the turkey page 6

where in the world is Lucas the turkey? page 6 by ric gustafson

Martin closed the bedroom door. He could hear hushed voices downstairs and his father talking to someone on his cell phone. He noticed Lucas in a corner shaking. " Sorry about that Lucas" he said as he tried to console his new friend. " I did not know that my Mom would do that".
Gobble Gobble that's ok.
He heard his father's voice. " Martin, can you please come down here?". He heard the sound of a police siren down the street. " Lucas, I don't think I can keep you safe here any longer".
Gobble Gobble I know
An idea came to Martin. He opened his closet and took out a rope with a basket attached. " I used to play with this when I was a kid". He opened the bedroom window and heard the police siren getting closer. " I'll lower you to the ground and then you can escape". He gave the turkey a hug and then put him into the basket. " Thank you Lucas for being my friend".
Gobble Gobble  Martin, thank you for the chance to live.
He lowered the basket to the ground. Lucas jumped out and ran into the neighbors big bush. Just then, a police car came into the driveway.
Martin smiled as he pulled the rope and basket back up.
" Goodbye Lucas".

The End- dedicated to Tom E

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, November 16, 2012

where in the world is Lucas the turkey page 5

where in the world is Lucas the turkey? page 5 by ric gustafson

" Would you like some mashed potatoes Lucas?" Henry Gardner asked as he passed the bowl to the turkey.
Gobble Gobble what are mashed potatoes.
" What did he say?".
" Sometimes he's hard to understand" Martin replied as he picked up the bowl. " I'll put some on his plate".
" I heard something strange on the radio earlier" Audra Gardner said as she put some turkey on her plate. " There's a reward offered for the missing turkey people have spotted on Main Street".
Gobble Gobble what's a reward.
" What did you say Lucas?".
" He said that this has been a wonderful meal".
Audra passed the plate of turkey to Lucas. " Would you like some turkey Lucas?".
Gobble Gobble Gobble No!. He jumped off the chair and ran out of the room.
" Martin, what's wrong with your friend?".
" The holidays make him very emotional". He dabbed his mouth with a napkin. " May I be excused?".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Ford page 6

Ford page 6 by ric gustafson

In April of 2006, gas prices were again on the rise. Because of this, the sale of mid sized sedans rose. The bad news was that Ford's truck sales fell fifteen percent and Explorer sales were down forty two percent. By June of 2006, Ford stock was selling for less than $ 7 a share and it's bonds were deep into junk territory. In July, Toyota outsold Ford for the first time.
In July, Bill Ford Jr made a plea to the company's board of directors. Ford had fallen behind Toyota and bankruptcy talks were starting. Ford Jr knew that he had to find a new CEO. He found Alan Mulally who was head of Boeing's Commercial Airplanes Group. Ford Jr greeted Mulally at his estate and told him the history of the company starting with Henry Ford to his tenure as CEO. Ford Jr asked Mulally about his background at Boeing and how he coped with crisis. Ford Jr told him that the company had good hardworking people but needed a good leader to guide them. Mulally knew that the challenges facing Ford were the same ones he dealt with at Boeing. Some ideas he was already thinking about was to eliminate the Mercury and Lincoln lines, trim the dealer base and close more plants.To thank Mulally for his services, Ford was going to give him a salary of two million a year.

research help: ' American Icon' by Bryce G Hoffman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

where in the world is Lucas the turkey page 4

where in the world is Lucas the turkey? page 4 by ric gustafson

Martin quietly closed the door and turned on the TV. He took the remote and turned the channel to the one he wanted. He put a blanket over Lucas and then heard the familiar theme music.
Gobble Gobble what are we watching
" This is one of my favorite shows from the 60's" he said as he laughed out loud. " It's called Green Acres".
Gobble Gobble that looks like a pig
" It is and his name is Arnold". He laughed out loud again. " Next month they are going to have a movie about Mr Douglas wanting a real tree for Christmas and it's called a Green Acres Christmas".
" Martin, who are you talking to?".
" My friend Lucas and I are watching Green Acres". He hesitated. " Mom".
" Yes".
" Lucas has no place to go for Thanksgiving tommorow". " Can he eat with us?".
" I'm sorry to hear that, of course he can".
Gobble Gobble no turkey
" What did you're friend say?".
" My friend said thank you".
" I need you to come downstairs and help me get ready for tomorrow".
" Ok Mom". He smiled at Lucas. " You'll be safe in here".
Gobble Gobble thank you

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Clue: the mystery at Oak Manor page 5

Clue: the mystery at Oak Manor page 5 by ric gustafson

Mort knocked on the wood door.
" Yes".
" Is this the residence of Colonel Algernon Mustard?".
The door slightly opened. " Who are you?".
" Colonel, I'm sorry to bother you" the voice hesitated " but there was a murder in the reception room".
" Murder". The door opened to reveal an older gentleman wearing a yellow blazer. " Who was it?".
" A Miss Marilyn Johnson".
" Come in".
Mort walked into the small modest apartment. He noticed that Colonel Mustard had a handlebar moustache and a monocle in one eye.
" Who killed her?".
" Colonel, we are not sure who or what killed her".
Mort watched as the Colonel walked out of his bedroom holding a revolver.
" If I had killed her Detective, I would have killed her with this".
" A revolver?".
" Yes, I hated her".
" Miss Johnson?".
" Yes, she never listened to my complaints and treated us residents terribly".
" So you would have killed her with a revolver".
" Yes Detective, I keep it under my pillow and will use it if I have to".

research help: Wikopedia

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

where in the world is Lucas the turkey page 3

where in the world is Lucas the turkey? page 3 by ric gustafson

The bus door slowly opened and Martin walked up to the coin machine. He hung onto Lucas and helped him get inside the door.
Gobble Gobble
" What was that?" the driver asked as he stared at Lucas.
" Sorry" Martin said as he put his money into the machine. " My friend has trouble with his voice".
" Is your friend going to pay his fare?".
Gobble Gobble I do not know what money is
" What did he say?".
" He's hard to understand" he said as he took some coins out of his pocket. " I'll pay his fare".
The driver kept staring at Lucas as they walked back to some open seats. They sat down.
" Why did you escape from the turkey farm?".
Gobble Gobble Thanksgiving is in two days, I wanted to live
" I don't blame you for that" Martin said as he looked around to see if anybody noticed his new friend. " Where are you going to go after Thanksgiving?".
Gobble Gobble I don't know
They sat in silence for five miles and then Martin pulled the cord. " Lucas, my house is just down the road". He smiled at his new friend. " I will do my best to hide you until after Thanksgiving".
Gobble Gobble thank you.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the story of Sarai page 18

the story of Sarai page 18 by ric gustafson

Sarai heard the footsteps of the soldiers. She heard a knock on the door. She opened it to reveal two of Pharaoh's soldiers.
" Come with us".
She put a shawl on and followed the soldiers down a tiled path. They came to a ornate double door. One soldier opened the door and the three slowly walked past blaring trumpets. They walked up to an ornate throne and then Sarai noticed Abram standing next to it.
Pharaoh Mentuhotep pointed a finger at Abram. " Abram of Ur, what are you doing to me?". He pointed at Hagar who was standing on the other side of his throne. " This maid tells me that this woman is your wife and not your sister". His anger now burned. " Is this true?".
" It is the truth".
" Because of your lie, the wrath of the gods has come down on us".
" I believe in only one God the Creator God Adonai Elohim". He stared at Pharaoh. " I am only his servant".
Pharaoh shook his head and sighed. " Take your wife and get out of my sight". He pointed to one of his soldiers. " Escort him safely out of my country".

research help: ' Sarai' by Jill Eileen Smith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, November 12, 2012

McDonald's page 9

McDonald's page 9 by ric gustafson

In 1968, a hamburger with two hamburger patties was introduced. It sold for 45 cents and was called the Big Mac. In it's first year, it accounted for 19 percent of all sales. In 1975, Herb Peterson developed a breakfast item consisting of an egg on an english muffin. The name of the new sandwich was the Egg McMuffin. Hotcakes and sausage and later scrambled eggs made up the breakfast menu. Breakfast accounted for fifteen percent of total sales. An advertising man named Al Klatt came up with the now famous slogan ' you deserve a break today'.
In 1980, a new product called Chicken McNuggets was debuted. At the first test restaurants, the new item accounted for twenty percent of sales. McDonald's expanded into Canada, Europe, Japan and other countries. The dream of the McDonald brothers and Ray Kroc came true. A small stand that sold 15 cent hamburgers became an american success story.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

research help: ' McDonald's behind the Arches' by John F Love

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

McDonald's page 8

McDonald's page 8 by ric gustafson

In 1964, Kroc transferred Steve Barnes to become the company's first regional manager. Starting in the early 1960's, McDonald's was adding 100 new restaurants a year. The chain's training program became McOpCo units. In the mid 1960's, the company began to call itself the McDonald's Corporation. By 1965, Ray Kroc owned 52 percent of the stock in the company and his salary was $ 115,000 a year.
In 1964, Kroc came up with the idea for McDonald's to get into network television advertising. It started with the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. The character of Ronald McDonald started with NBC's Willard Scott who portrayed him. He was later rejected for Coco who was a clown for Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey Circus. By the end of 1965, it had 731 restaurants. In 1968, Fred Turner was named the company's president.
Competition started to mount against McDonald's with the rise of Burger King, Jack in the Box, Burger Boy, Red Barn and Carsons. By 1974, the company had a nationwide chain of three thousand restaurants.

research help: ' McDonald's behind the Arches' by John F Love

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, November 11, 2012

McDonald's page 7

McDonald's page 7 by ric gustafson

In the mid 1950's, McDonald's began refining how it ran it's restaurants. Kroc knew that to have a national chain instead of one restaurant it had to make some changes. These changes started with their hamburgers, french fries and milk shakes. The menu streamlined to ten items and one area of improvement was the french fry. The company spent more than $3 million on extensive research on cooking the fries and time settings and precise temperature. McDonald's only accepted potatoes that had least a 21% solid content. By 1962, potato consumption was more than six million pounds a year.
McDonald's began to improve its milk shake production. It was the first major restaurant chain to use the new milk shake machines. McDonald's began to use liquid shake mix to make their shakes thicker.
By 1957, Kroc had all the elements together to make McDonald's a success. In 1961, the McDonald brothers began to talk buyout discussions with Ray Kroc. Kroc agreed to buy out the brothers for $ 2.7 million dollars. Kroc had visions of a building a chain of 1000 restaurants. Kroc paid off the buyout amount in five years.
The first goal of Kroc and his dream of a national chain had to start with the West Coast.

research help: ' McDonald's behind the Arches' by John F Love

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Ford page 5

Ford page 5 by ric gustafson

Bill Ford took over as CEO of Ford ousting Jacques Nasser. The company was in shambles and posted a $ 5.45 billion loss in 2001. In 2002, Ford Jr closed five factories and eliminated 21,000 jobs. He reduced dividend payments to family members and fired consultants. By the end of 2002, Ford was back in the black.
Ford Jr hired Sir Nick Scheele to be President and Chief Operating Officer. Ford Jr hired Jim Padilla to be head of North American operations. In May of 2002, Allan Gilmour became chief financial officer.
Ford's sales fell in 2002, 2003 and 2004 and only remained profitable thanks to Ford Credit. In 2003, the Ford Hybrid was a labor of love for Ford Jr. In 2005, Ford's credit rating was downgraded to junk bond rating. By 2005, Ford's North American factories were running at only 79 percent.
In 2005, Mark Fields was hired to begin an overview of Ford's business environment and how the company thought of itself by the end of 2010.

research help: ' American Icon' by Bryce G Hoffman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

names of God: Husband

names of God: Husband by ric gustafson

Jeremiah 31:31-32- ' although I was an husband unto them saith the Lord'

This term refers to God the Father. Husband is an old Norse term for a householder. In this passage, God is making a new covenant with his people and writing his commandments in their hearts. God is referred to as the Husband and his church the Bride. The Bride's sole expectation is love and admiration for the Husband. God is the Husband for the marriage between Heaven and Earth.

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David McLaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

what Jesus has done for us: he loves us

what Jesus has done for us: he loves us by ric gustafson

John 15:12 - ' My command is this Love each other as I have loved you

Sometimes Jesus laments over us like he did with Jerusalem in Luke 13:34. Sometimes Jesus challenges us like he did with the rich young ruler. Sometimes Jesus's love is beyond description when he allowed himself to be crucified. Jesus's love for us is complete and everlasting. Jesus loves us so much that he died on the cross for you and for me. That is powerful love.

research help: ' 101 things Jesus has done for you'

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, November 9, 2012

what Jesus has done for us: he gives us a clean slate

what Jesus has done for us: he gives us a clean slate by ric gustafson

Romans 8:1-2 - ' because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death'

Guilt, it follows us during the day and keeps us awake at night. We cannot forget the things that we have done no matter how hard we try. Because of Jesus, God accepts us as his children. Isaiah 1:18 says that even though our sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Our sins do not need to imprison us because God forgives us completely. We are disciplined by our Father and face the consequences of our sin but know that Jesus forgives us completely and gives us a clean slate.

research help: ' 101 things Jesus has done for you'

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

names of God: Horn of Salvation

names of God: Horn of Salvation by ric gustafson

Luke 1:68-69 - ' And hath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David

This term refers to God the Son. The horn was a symbol of strength and anointing. In this passage, Zechariah uses his restored voice to praise God and predict the coming of his Son. In the Bible, a horn has various purposes. Sometimes it was used to alert people. A tradition was that people could seek sanctuary in the Tabernacle and be protected while clinging to a horn. Jesus is the Horn of Salvation because he is the way to the Father. We need to always cling to Jesus our Horn of Salvation.

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David McLaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Clue: the mystery at Oak Manor page 4

Clue: the mystery at Oak Manor page 4 by ric gustafson

Mort opened the front door and ran into the lobby. A Detective walked out of the reception room.
" Detective Snelling" exclaimed Detective Riley Olsen as he closed a small black notebook. " I'm surprised to see you here".
Mort hesitated. " I was out in my car waiting for someone". " What happened?".
" A young woman was just murdered in the reception room". " Because of the massive blunt trauma, we are not sure what exactly happened and what weapon was used".
" How can I help Detective?".
" Since you are here, you can help by talking to some of the residents and hopefully somebody saw something".
" Sure, who do I talk to first?".
" You can start with room 104 and the resident's name is Colonel Mustard".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

the key to the closet scene 1

the key to the closet  scene 1 by ric gustafson

                                              Scene 1

                              A man is sitting at a large kitchen table
                               He is frowning with disgust

                                    Rocco Larue

I can't have a Valentine's Day party with the house like this

[ his cell phone rings]



                                   Gruff voice on phone

Rocco Larue



                              Gruff voice on phone

We want our money!


You will have your money by next Tuesday

[ He closed the phone and noticed the grime stains on the Corian countertop]


I've got to get someone to clean this place before the party

[ He walks over and opens up a yellow phone book
[ He begins to thumb through the pages]


Housecleaning, Housecleaning

[ He points at an ad



[ He opens his cell phone and dials a number]


Yes, is this Mr White's Housecleaning Service?

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

names of God: Morning Star

names of God: Morning Star by ric gustafson

Revelation 22:16- ' I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star'

This term refers to God the Son. The morning star is a bright star that appears right before sunrise. The planet Venus is referred as the morning star because it appears in the eastern sky as the brightest star. This star is most visible as night fades and morning approaches. When people saw Venus, the night was over and the new day had come. Sin used to reign supreme in our lives but God's forgiveness brings us new life. Jesus as the Morning Star gives us a new dawn.

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David McLaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Flavius Artemis- the centurion page 7

Flavius Artemis- the centurion page 7 by ric gustafson

Maeiminus waited with the large mob while Flavius and Judas walked up the slope to converse. After a short time, Flavius came back and motioned with his hand for the group to start walking. With Judas in front, they began walking up the slope.
" Maeiminus" Flavius said in a hushed voice. " I just had a talk with this Judas". " He pointed up the hill. " He told me we will be coming up to a garden of olive trees called Gethsemane". Now he talked even softer. " There we will find this Rabbi from Galilee".
" How will we know which one is he?".
" He told me the one that he kisses is the one we are to seize".

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, November 5, 2012

where in the world is Lucas the turkey page 2

where in the world is Lucas the turkey page 2 by ric gustafson

Martin walked over and peeked through the bush. He saw a turkey with scared eyes. " What are you doing hiding in here?".
Gobble Gobble keep your voice down.
" I did not know turkeys could talk".
Gobble Gobble I can.
A smile came to Martin's face. " You are the turkey people have seen on Main Street".
Gobble Gobble I escaped.
" Escaped from where".
Gobble Gobble Johnson Turkey Farm
" An escaped turkey".
Gobble Gobble my name is Lucas.
" I must be dreaming" Martin said as he shook his head in disbelief. " I'm talking to a turkey who can talk and has a name".
" The bus is coming down the hill" Todd yelled. " Who are you talking to?".
" Nobody". He took off his sweater and put it carefully over the turkey. " Hopefully with this on, people won't notice you as much".
Gobble Gobble Thank you
" I'm going to get you on that bus with me and hide you at home".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, November 4, 2012

names of God: Gift of God

names of God: Gift of God by ric gustafson

John 4:10- ' if thou knewest the gift of God'

This term refers to God the Son. God offers the gift of his Son to mankind and the foundation of a new covenant. In this passage, Jesus is speaking to a woman by a well. He told her that the Messiah now stood in front of her. She is convinced and asks Jesus for this living water.
Jesus is the Gift of God and from God and we need this gift every day.

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David McLaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Flavius Artemis- the centurion page 6

Flavius Artemis- the centurion page 6 by ric gustafson

Flavius checked his helmet, his uniform and made sure he had his sword with him. He looked over at his friend and second in command Maeiminus to make sure his club was in his hand. He had handpicked a large detachment of his best soldiers and made sure each one either had a sword or a club.
The tall lanky man named Judas walked up to Flavius and Maeiminus and now stood next to them. With Judas in front, Flavius motioned with his hand and the entire group started walking. Most of the soldiers carried torches and they walked quietly past the Temple Mount. The group passed pilgrims who had finished their Passsover meals as well as local citizens who were preparing for Passover the next evening. The group passed through the Garden Gate and walked toward the brook that flowed through the Kidron Valley.
" Where are we going Flavius?" his friend asked as they walked across the little wooden bridge that went over the Kidron brook.
" I'm not sure" Flavius replied as he noticed how high the water level of the brook was. " I was told to follow this Judas because he knows where this Rabbi from Galilee is".
The group finished crossing the brook and began walking up the western slope of the Mount of Olives.

research help: ' the Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, November 2, 2012

Flavius Artemis- the centurion page 5

Flavius Artemis- the centurion page 5 by ric gustafson

Flavius saw the man step out of the shadows and walk slowly toward Caiaphas. He drew his sword and walked quickly to get in between the two. Caiaphas raised his hand that he was alright.
" Again, what are you willing to give me if I deliver him to you?".
" Who are you?" Caiaphas asked.
" My name is Judas Iscariot". The young man stared at the chief priest. " I believe that we have a common interest".
" And what interest is that?".
" The Rabbi from Galilee".
" Ah yes, the Rabbi from Galilee" Caiaphas exclaimed as he sat down in his chair. " And how can you help with this situation?".
" I was the treasurer for their group" Judas said as his eyes darted around the room. " I know him and know where he goes and can take you to him".
" Why are you doing this?" Caiaphas quietly asked with a serious look on his face. " What is in it for you?".
" I have my reasons and I assume I will be compensated financially".
" Ah yes financially". He scratched his chin in thought. " Wait here while I talk to the others".
Caiaphas walked over to the table and quietly chatted with the other priests. After a while, he motioned for Flavius to follow him into a small room. He handed the centurion a bag of coins. " Give this to that Judas as his compensation and take a detachment of your best soldiers". He smiled at Flavius. " Go with this Judas, arrest this Rabbi and bring him to me". He smiled and put a hand on Flavius's shoulder. " Be careful, I hear he might be dangerous".
" It will be done".

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Ford page 4

Ford page 4 by ric gustafson

The financial crisis Ford faced in 2006 was the latest setback for the 103 year old company. Henry Ford had $ 20 million in cash but $ 58 million debt in 1921. He closed his main factory, laid off a lot of his workers and sold off all the remaining Model T's he had in stock. By the end of 1921, He had $ 87 million in the bank. In 1929 during the economic depression, Ford raised salaries for his workers. In 1931 during the Great Depression, Ford was forced to close twenty five factories and 75,000 jobs.
During the 1970's, lawsuits began to pile up against Ford because of the Ford Pinto. After posting a profit of $ 906 million in 1972 by 1980 the company had a $ 1.4 billion loss.
In 1983, Ford was back on top with the profits from the sales of the Ford Taurus. It's profit in 1983 was $ 1.8 billion. In the 1990's, truck based SUV's were the emerging trend. In 1990, Ford introduced the Ford Explorer. It took only a few months to become the best selling SUV in the world. In 1997, Ford introduced the Ford Expedition and in 1999, the Ford Excursion.
In 1999, Ford posted a profit of $ 7.2 billion.

research help: ' American Icon' by Bryce G Hoffman

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Flavius Artemis- the centurion page 4

Flavius Artemis- the centurion page 4 by ric gustafson

" Before we get to the very important matter which is why we are all here" Caiaphas said as he motioned Flavius forward. " This is Flavius Artemis".
Flavius knelt down before Caiaphas and put his clenched fist over his heart.
" On recommendation of Pilate and myself, Artemis is now the garrison centurion for the Fortress".
" I give you my complete loyalty" he replied quietly. He stood up and walked over toward the side wall.
Caiaphas sat down in his chair. " Let us begin this special council meeting".
One of the priests stood up. " What are we doing, this man is performing many signs".
Another priest banged his fist on the table. " If we let this man continue like this, all men will believe in him".
A third priest stood up. " The Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation".
Caiaphas raised his arm to quiet them. " All of you know nothing at all". He looked around the table. " Nor do you take into account that it is expedient for you that one man die for the people and that the whole nation not perish".
At that moment, Flavius saw the tall slender man uncover his face.
" What are you willing to give me if I deliver him to you?".

research help: ' The Murder of Jesus' by John Macarthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

names of God: Shield

names of God: Shield by ric gustafson

Psalm 5:12- ' with favour wilt thou compass him with a shield'

This term refers to God the Father. A shield was typically used as protection in battle. In this passage, David writes that God will protect those who are walking the straight and narrow path. The Lord is our protection and uses a shield. Despite what evil and deceitful people may do to us, we the righteous are always protected. God has and will always protect us with his shield.

research help: ' Beloved Names of God' by David McLaughlan

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric