Wednesday, January 31, 2024

will you live forever? page 1

 will you live forever? page 1 by ric gustafson

Bobby Jenkins quietly stood at the edge of the ledge. He peered over the edge. It was a long ways down.
" Well Bobby" exclaimed a man who was also standing on the ledge. He wore all red. " Are you ready?".
" I don't know". Bobby peered over the edge again. " It's a long ways down".
" Bobby, we've talked about this a million times".
Bobby sighed. " I know".
Satan frowned. " You do want to live forever don't you?".
" Yes".
" Then jump". Satan smiled. " My associates will catch you before anything happens to you".
Bobby looked at Satan. " I have your promise on that".
Satan gave him a strange look. " Of course".
Just then, there was a knock on the hotel room door.
Bobby turned. " What was that?".
" Don't bother with that". Satan frowned. " Time to jump".
Two men entered the room. " Bobby, don't jump".
" Bobby, I'll be back". Satan vanished.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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