Monday, January 8, 2024

Jesus: Luke 19:30

 Jesus: Luke 19:30 by ric gustafson

According to Luke 19:30, go ye into the village over against you in the which at your entering ye shall find a colt tied whereon yet never man sat loose him and bring him hither. It was not to be a grand procession. The procession is in ancient prophecy. Horses are used for war. But the King of Zion would come upon a colt the foal of a donkey. It was to be a colt a man has never sat on. Jesus was the first born of a virgin mother. Eventually, he will be in a tomb that had never soiled.
Jesus will come forth. Gentle of the mighty. No swords to guard him. Jesus wants people to follow him.
Jesus loves you and I more than anything else.

research help: ' Jesus' by Thomas Nelson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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