Monday, January 29, 2024

Margaret Tobin Brown page 11

 Margaret Tobin Brown page 11 by ric gustafson 

To the survivors on Lifeboat 6, there was no hope of a destination. All of a sudden, the gray horizon became a pale dawn. Just then, Margaret heard a noise. Another lifeboat pulled up next to them. Margaret could see the number of the lifeboat. It said ' 16'.
Mr Hichens tied up the two boats with a rope. He told the women to stop rowing. Everyone was exhausted. The lifeboats sat in a field of ice. Icebergs appeared in every direction. When they started rowing again, they rowed for an hour and a half.
All of a sudden, Miss Martin saw something on the horizon. It turned out to be a ship. It was the Carpathia. It took four times for the lifeboats to swing close enough to the ship. A wooden seat was used to hoist the survivors onboard.
When Margaret was hoisted onboard, She was greeted with a blanket and donuts. She was exhausted. Her arms, fingers, shoulders, legs and feet were wet and numb. She felt a guilty relief. 
At first, she felt disbelief. Then her emotions turned to anger and action. Everyone on board the Carpathia went out of their way for the survivors comfort. Passengers on the ship gave up their staterooms, clothes and toilet articles. The lounge was given to the passengers to use. 
The survivors were examined by a doctor. Sleeping quarters was based on gender, class and physical condition. All the space on the Carpathia was taken. The ship returned to the ice field to look for survivors. There were none. Then the Carpathia began it's journey back to New York.

research help: ' Molly Brown unraveling the myth' by Kristen Iversen

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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