Monday, January 22, 2024

seven deadly sins page 1

 seven deadly sins page 1 by ric gustafson

Ben Halsteen walked into his spacious new office. He sat down in a black swivel chair. He glanced around the room. He grinned and sighed. He took out some pictures from a box and began to put them up on a wall. As he looked around the room, pride began to enter his heart. There was a knock on his office door. His new secretary, Marlene, poked her head inside.
" Mr Firestone would like to see you in his office".
He walked down a plaque filled hallway. He knocked on Mr Firestone's door.
Rose, Mr Firestone's secretary, was working at her desk. " He's waiting for you Ben".
He knocked again .
" Come in".
He walked into a very spacious office. It was filled with pictures and stuffed animal heads.
Howard Firestone got up from his office chair. " Thanks for coming on short notice". He pointed to a chair next to his desk. " Please have a seat".
Ben glanced at the animal heads. " I take it you like to hunt".
" It's a great way for me to relieve stress and anger". He smiled. " You should try it sometime".
" No thanks, I'd rather work out". He started to get nervous. " I'm curious as to why you wanted to see me Mr Firestone".
Howard gave Ben a serious stare. " I'll get right to the point".

research help: ' the Journey' by Billy Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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