Wednesday, January 3, 2024

come and worship: how shall we worship?

 come and worship: how shall we worship? by ric gustafson

Every aspect of the order of service is worship rendered to God. This includes music, praying, preaching and even the offering. Worship needs to be a participant's activity not a spectator sport. Worshiping God should be a church's ultimate priority. 
Scripture is sufficient to meet every need of our soul. There are biblical guidelines to worship. The first is preach the word. Preaching the Word should take first place. Another guideline is to edify the flock. Worship should be building up the flock not stirring emotions. True worship merges heart and mind. Another guideline is that we need to honor the Lord. Our worship should honor God. 
God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' Worship the ultimate priority' by John MacArthur

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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