Friday, February 3, 2023

Prayer: Praise and Thanksgiving

 Prayer: Praise and Thanksgiving by ric gustafson

In Exodus 15, there is praise and thanksgiving for all that God has accomplished. God delivered his people from Egypt. To express gratitude, Miriam led the people with singing and dancing. We can give God praise and thanksgiving through prayer. When we pray gratitude to God, we feel better. 
When we are tired, frustrated or depressed, we can do a gratitude prayer. When we are persecuted, joy will happen. James 1 says consider it pure joy when we face trials. Joy is eternal. In Jesus, there is life, resurrection and healing. God loves us more than anything else.

research help; ' On Our Knees' by Phil Wickman and Matt Litton

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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