Saturday, February 18, 2023

Prayer: the greatest privilege

 Prayer: the greatest privilege by ric gustafson 

Prayer is the greatest privilege we can have. We do not have to do it. The point is we want to do it. With God in prayer we can see his plans and purpose for our life. By prayer, we can come into the presence of God. We can share our heart with God. We can listen for his voice. God did not mean for prayer to be complicated. God planned it to be an easy and natural thing to do. God wants prayer to be simple. 
God can hear the simple child like prayers. God wants us to pray to him in a childlike way. God is looking for a sincere heart. God is looking for faith. It is not how long is our prayer. It is how we pray.
God loves us more than anything else.

research help: ' The power of simple prayer' by Joyce Meyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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