Sunday, February 12, 2023

Hosea and Gomer page 11

 Hosea and Gomer page 11 by ric gustafson

Hosea and Micah stopped at Jonah's gate.
" Micah". They embraced. " Thank you for going with me".
" Your welcome". The young man waved as he walked into Jonah's house.
Hosea quietly walked up to the front door. He walked in.
His son Jezzy was playing with their cat. His daughter was swaddled on a worktable. His wife was working with some barley dough. She heard the door close.
Startled, she looked up. " Hosea". She put down the dough.
They embraced.
" I've missed you Gomer".
He picked up his daughter.
" Someone told me you might not be back".
He smiled at his two children. " You've done a great job with the children while I've been gone".
Just then, she heard Jezzy's stomach growl.
" I better get supper ready".

research help: ' Love In A Broken Vessel' by Mesu Andrews

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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