Thursday, February 9, 2023

Hosea and Gomer page 9

 Hosea and Gomer page 9

Hosea held up his baby son. " He's beautiful".
Isaiah smiled. " He sure is".
The newborn had a pinched face and black hair.
Hosea cuddled the newborn. " Yahweh told me what to name the boy?".
" What name is that?".
" Jezreel".
" God will sow". Isaiah grinned. " That's a fine name".
Hosea looked at his friend. " Yahweh told me something else".
" What else did he tell you?".
" I am to go tomorrow and warn the house of Jehu about Yahweh's judgment against them".
" Tomorrow".
" Yahweh also told me who is to go with me?".
Isaiah stared at Hosea. " And who is that?".
" You".

research help: ' Love In A Broken Vessel' by Mesu Andrews

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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