Thursday, February 2, 2023

Hosea and Gomer page 5

 Hosea and Gomer page 5 by ric gustafson

The high priestess bowed to the King." I saw this woman enter Asherah's grove".
King Jeroboam stared at Gomer with disgust. " This harlot Gomer was found veiling herself in public".
The high priestess looked at Gomer with disgust. " She should reap the full penalty of her crime".
Hosea stepped forward quietly from the gallery. " This woman is no longer a harlot". He smiled. " She is my wife".
King Jeroboam held up a hand. " Go on".
" These charges against her are unfounded". His voice hesitated. " She is a married woman".
" Why are you here Prophet?".
" I have come to reclaim my rebellious wife King Jeroboam".
" Is that the only reason?".
Hosea frowned. " I have also come to give you a warning".
King Jeroboam hit a chair with a closed fist. " I will give you an answer to your warning".
Hosea smiled. " Thank you my King".
" Take your rebellious wife". He sneered at Hosea. " And get out of Israel".

research help: ' Love In A Broken Vessel' by Mesu Andrews

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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