Friday, April 22, 2022

the end of days page 8

 the end of days page 8 by ric gustafson

Carlo quickly walked down the steps of the Temple. He noticed the trouble right away. Next to the Wailing Wall were the two witnesses.
Next to them were two soldiers.
Carlo yelled. " Kill them".
They advanced on the two.
One of the witnesses raised a bony finger. The two soldiers turned to ash.
The crowd near the two witnesses stepped back in fear.
One of the witnesses pointed at Carlo. " Someday you will desecrate and defile this Temple".
" That is not true". Carlo smiled at the crowd. " I am here to save this world".
The other witness pointed at Carlo. " We believe in God not man made Temples".
Carlo stared at the crowd. " Do you want to listen to me or them?".
The crowd roared. " You Carlo you".
One of the witnesses pointed at Carlo. " There are no Gods other than the true God".

research help: ' Tribulation Force' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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