Friday, April 29, 2022

the end of days page 13

 the end of days page 13 by ric gustafson

It was late afternoon. Rory yawned as he stopped at a red light. He was heading back to the office for a late meeting with some One World officials. He was tired.
He stared through the windshield and noticed the moon. It looked strange. It looked red. Just then, a small piece of concrete hit the hood of the car. " What in the world" he muttered to himself. A bigger chunk hit the roof. Fear came over Rory's face as he watched office buildings begin to sway. Pieces of the buildings began to hit the ground.
The earth began to shake and a long fissue began to form. Rory stomped on the brakes. It was too late. Rory's car went head first into the fissue. He got the driver door open and crawled to the top of the fissue. He ran for the nearest wall of a building as concrete fell all around him.
As Rory stared at the blood red moon, huge flaming rocks fell next to him.
Scared, Rory called out. " Carlo, please save me".
Rory looked up at God. " I curse you".
Eventually, the destruction stopped. The sun came back out.

research help: ' Nicolae' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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