Saturday, April 2, 2022

Malchus page 13

 Malchus page 13 by ric gustafson

Malchus quietly walked up to the front of the mob. He now stood next to Flavius and Jonathon.
" You have come for me and found me". Jesus pointed at his disciples. " Let these others go".
Flavius stared at Jesus. " We have no orders to arrest anyone but the Nazarene".
All of sudden, Malchus felt as if his head had just been whacked by something cold. He screamed in agony. He fell to the ground. He put his fingers to where his right ear should of been.
" Enough of this" Jesus yelled. 
As Malchus kept screaming in agony, Jesus slowly bent down. He put his fingers on the large gash on the right side of Malchus's head. 
As Jesus kept up the pressure on Malchus's wound, his pain began to leave. When Jesus removed his fingers, Malchus noticed the pain had totally left him.
Jesus gave Peter a stern look. " Put your sword away". He looked at the mob. " He who lives by the sword will die from the sword".
Jesus now stared at Flavius. " You come for me with swords and clubs". He looked at the others. " This hour has been given to you to fulfill the scriptures of the prophecy".
Flavius yelled. " Arrest him".
Jesus was bound by tight cords. He was led away.
Dazed, Malchus kept touching his now completely healed right ear. When he finally looked up, he was the only one left in the garden.

The End

research help: ' Malchus' by W.G. Griffiths

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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