Wednesday, April 13, 2022

the end of days page 1

 the end of days page 1 by ric gustafson

Jim Harris pushed the button to close the garage door. He walked into the well kept kitchen. 
Agnes Harris was cutting up some fruit. She put them into a small bowl. " How was your day?".
" Busy as usual". He put his worn brown briefcase on top of the hutch. " The bank seems to be doing well".
" That's good". She put a pitcher of ice water on the kitchen table.
" Where's Robbie?".
" Outside reading his new bible".
He frowned. " Sometimes I wish the church had never given him that".
She walked over to the open kitchen window. " Robbie, come in for supper".
The thirteen year old walked in and put his bible next to his father's briefcase. He sat down.
Agnes poured water into their glasses. " What was the meeting at work about?".
" It was about the new UN representative from Italy Carlo Simpato". Jim put some roast beef onto his plate. " He wants to do business with our bank".
Robbie took a sip of his water. " Who 's working on that deal Dad?".
" Rory Johnston".

research help: ' Left Behind' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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