Monday, March 29, 2021

the great egg souffle caper page 1

 the great egg souffle caper page 1 by ric gustafson

Elnora Jensen walked quietly down the carpeted steps. She turned on the lights. The large downstairs room was used as a youth room, confirmation classes and this morning Easter breakfast. She walked over and opened the heavy purple curtains. It was a beautiful Easter morning. She turned around. It was the smiling face of Roger Corby the church's custodian.
" Happy Easter Roger". She walked over to the refrigerator. She wanted to make sure they had plenty of orange juice.
" Happy Easter Elnora". He pulled up a rolling rack of folding chairs. He began to set them up.
" Did the hot cross buns get here from the store?".
" Yes they did". He started setting up the chairs. " And we should have plenty of napkins and paper plates also".
" Good". She began to set up coffee pots. Then she put napkins, plates and paper cups on the serving table.
" How is the upstairs doing?".
" Just fine". He smiled. " Marjorie is already getting things arranged".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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